
902 Commits over 913 Days - 0.04cph!

57 Days Ago
Forgot the interop somehow
57 Days Ago
Add Graphics.CopyTexture for GPU texture copying, format and size must be the same
57 Days Ago
Sandbox.Generator: don't run some unneeded codegen in intellisense.. ISourceGenerator is obsolete and slow and we should figure out how to make this an IIncrementalGenerator Pixmap.UpdateFromPixels: Support RGBA8888 imageformat
58 Days Ago
More informative vulkan init failed message
2 Months Ago
Lightbinner handle exceeding max envmaps
2 Months Ago
In tools don't demote exclusive fullscreen to cooperative fullscreen, these behave the same way on Nvidia's Vulkan drivers and a game window in a Qt widget acting like it's exclusive fullscreen will make your screen black
2 Months Ago
When saving a GameResource - reregister it with ResourceLibrary. When Scene/PrefabFile save they create a new GameResource, so the old one needs to be stomped out.
2 Months Ago
Make game resources compile again when saved
2 Months Ago
Don't call Asset.Compile in parallel 🤦
2 Months Ago
Set saved gizmo settings way earlier, protect against stomping the settings instance Fixes sbox-issues/issues/4888
2 Months Ago
Add some standard map entity definitions that we have loaders for: prop_physics, prop_animated, env_sky, env_gradient_fog, snd_event_*,
2 Months Ago
Protect against 0 width/height video modes and assert CHostedWidget::SizeToParent() don't change the video mode if height() is 0
2 Months Ago
Early error when trying to open an invalid project
2 Months Ago
Forgot to force add this dll
2 Months Ago
Launcher only launches a single instance of each project
2 Months Ago
CMapAssetType::CalculateDependencies suppress pointless upconversion of vmaps so we don't spend 30+ seconds doing so on initial load
2 Months Ago
Show stall source to everyone
2 Months Ago
ProjectList own file Run Asset.UpdateInternals() in parallel, empty project initial scan goes from 770ms -> 200ms Don't scan project filesystem twice
2 Months Ago
Remove broken (deleted) projects from the ProjectList
2 Months Ago
ProjectList: fix NRE on Project.Current
2 Months Ago
Fix InputRouter not passing to game when no menudll is loaded Fix launch settings, remove bullshit ones
2 Months Ago
Treat warnings as errors so I stop pushing shit code and having CI fail Fix warning
2 Months Ago
Initialize these engine classes outside of MenuDll now that editor doesn't run menu dll Null check a bunch of IMenuDll.Current calls
2 Months Ago
Fix a couple of invalid cases for compute shaders when viewport is very small but not zero
2 Months Ago
Nicer assert for invalid vk compute shaders, and don't actually dispatch invalid ones otherwise we'll probably crash Fuck this test for now, a full end to end test for opening a project would be better
2 Months Ago
Fix empty test warning. Test OpenProject directly
2 Months Ago
Remove File -> New Game Project... Make project opening code more predictable, move to Sandbox.Tools, fix compiling before dependant packages are installed, kill more content mode shit.
2 Months Ago
Delete CMaterialSystem2AppSystemDict::CreateMainConsoleWindow (dx9 hack) Whitelist Delegate.GetInvocationList() and Delegate.DynamicInvoke( System.Object[] )
3 Months Ago
Add adjusting camera speed with mouse wheel in editor first person camera
3 Months Ago
ShaderGraph preview target spir-v only properly Fix GetSearchPathArgs fucking up after more than 1 usage, fixes failing shader compiles
3 Months Ago
Fix vkCmdPipelineBarrier-dstStageMask-07949 tools_wireframe.shader: strip S_MOBILE properly and remove unused vertex input
3 Months Ago
Fix Asset.CompileIfNeededAsync() not failing early for assets that don't compile via asset system: maps, anim subgraphs and shaders
3 Months Ago
Fix ToolScene fullbright, used by blend channel pickers in Hammer
3 Months Ago
Standardize SceneMap.MapName same way native does, fix world physics when using local world name
3 Months Ago
Fix "could not find ConVar attribute" spam - should just silently set the backing value Warning -> Trace Unable to determine package Demote a bunch of vulkan debug logs to verbose only Holding shift/ctrl disables clearing selection by clicking nothing
3 Months Ago
Fix inverse multiselect logic
3 Months Ago
Gizmo.Select: allow unselect of object selections Shift allows multi select too but without deselecting SceneViewWidget.UpdateHovered: Just because we're already selected doesn't mean we can't be hovered, otherwise how will you deselect me Deselect game object when nothing is clicked
3 Months Ago
SceneCamera viewport caps size properly Bail out of CameraRenderer if no valid viewport
3 Months Ago
Unused resource glue Log_Detailed these rendersystemvulkan messages Fix crash with symlink resident resource reloading
3 Months Ago
Foliage: Fix depth alpha tests Foliage: fmod phase to avoid jittering imprecision at high time/world offsets
3 Months Ago
Fix tests from non fully init engine
3 Months Ago
PackageManager Mount/Unmount reloads symlinked resident resources
3 Months Ago
Whine about very old nvidia drivers to the user Vulkan: Always allow mutable swapchain format Vulkan: Update swapchain texture spec if overridden swapchain format videorecorder: convert image format if not RGBA
3 Months Ago
Disable a couple more crappy Vulkan overlays in editor mode Project creator: doesn't matter if directory doesn't exist becuase we're gonna make it
3 Months Ago
Disable some commonly bad third party overlays in editor mode - we can finally disable Steam overlay too in editor
3 Months Ago
Fix infinite recursion crash with prefabs when the root object has bone proxies
3 Months Ago
Fix trailing backslash escaping quoted search paths
3 Months Ago
Dead auto mount vpk code -outroot has to be specified before Only need to pass user project search paths & maintain mod names
3 Months Ago
Fix downloading cloud assets
3 Months Ago
Pass search paths to external spawned processes resourcecompiler and vfxcompile