258,082 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!
Fixed being able to walk through walls
This was bullshit and I shouldn't have left it in
SendMessage "OnNetworkWake" on networkables on first subscriber join
SendMessage "OnNetworkSleep" on networkables on last subscriber leave
Added NetworkSleep component to turn off components when no network subscribers
Building Blocks turn off colliders when no network subscribers
(Left debug output in on purpose)
Added visiblity mask and center / forward properties to AI entity
Obligatory hotfixes
Fixed plugin_load not working at all
Fixed players being removed when sitting on a vehicle parented to another entity
Fixed render.CapturePixels crashing when used on render targets
Fixed Weapon:CallOnClient crashing when called on a weapon owned by a NPC
Fixed non-ASCII characters being removed from player names
some animations for the deer.
Added SignalEffect module
Added muzzle effect to bolt rifle (also plays shoot sound)
Added Rifle hold type
Updated build version in steam.inf
Fixed stringtable fuckups
Updated AI test scene & tweaked obstacle avoidance slightly
Oops, didn't save properly
Made follow behaviour direction bloom more sane
Made obstacle avoidance correctly deal with obstacles that are <= 0 units away
Made AI system correctly handle inactive dangers, interests and obstacles
Fixed player model
Fixed NRE in LootableCorpse
commited character part assets to test seams
Added PhysicsMaterial to splattype/overlaytype
Added vis.footsteps console command
Specific footstep effect logic (not used yet)
Imporved obstacle avoidance
Added more of those awesome debug gizmos
Added wall building plan
Building blocks now 10x harder to destroy
Foundations placed on uneven ground are orientated to it
Made gizmos utility backup and restore matrix if modified within a method
Moved interest and danger gizmos drawing to AI entity
Fixed OBB closest point calculation fuckup
Fixed inaccurate text selection in RichText controls (gran fixed it!)
Made AI capable of walking over dynamic obstacles if they are below or above
Added radius to AI entity
Added falloff to obstacles
Added attraction to follow behaviour
Made stuff use GizmosUtil where it makes sense
Unity keeps modifying this
Added gizmos utility class (axis-aligned circle & cylinder, oriented box)
Rexported rock meshes with centered pivots. Minor shader update. New cave entrance test scene and WIP assets.
Fixed warnings
Fixed player hit detection being fucked
Made cylinder obstacle gizmo look like a cylinder
Automatically destroy more components on dedicatd server
Auroras that suck less, and lots of little northern scene stuff.
Vary PlayerUpdate fractionally to avoid bunching up
Added updated player clothes file with revised meshes
Fixed pickup not working
Fixed being able to shoot building blocks to bits
Item modules are no longer instanced per item
Item modules use opt-in event system instead of interface style system
Item modules no longer derive from Scriptableobject
Renamed ItemInformation to Item.Definition
Item definition now holds Modules (instead of Item)
Added current decision gizmo to AI entity