256,563 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
- Fixed CAI_LeadBehavior, Alyx is no longer standing around being stupid
- Commented warnings about "Cannot update control point %d for effect '%s'", occours with ghost_effect
- No need to warn about clamped eye angles, only with developer > 0 now, Issue #1898
- Added more validation for packets (prevents one of the ddos methods)
- Added GM:AcceptInput(ent, input, activator, caller, value), equivalent behavior of ENTITY:AcceptInput
- Fixed player model without physics crashing the game when a ragdoll was created
- Merged LuaJIT bug fixes from master branch and fixed GMod's special table.insert to support JIT
- New NWVars are back, time for more testing
optimized the building destruction special f/x
Ref renders for blendshapes for Alex.
Fixed some missing references in BuildingTest
Old save compatibility (for BuildingTest)
Char02 new blendshapes and combined mesh.
AttributeEditorWindow improvements
Getting the material from TerrainConfig in TerrainTexturing
Fixed missing terrain material in TestLevel
SpeedTreeCleanup: Fixed some special cases
Char01 now with blendshapes.
- Removed some rocks from 1-1 to make flying through areas easier
- More rough work on 1-2
working on drill space ship
Simplified ammo system under the hood
Ammo display counter
Merge from terrain-improvements
Protocol++ (network + save)
Fixed some dedicated server compilation errors
- Changed enemy layers so they're not hit by outline effect
re-exported Igor rig & problem anims