256,440 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
added vehicles and vehicle splines to all floating city skybox objects, added exhaust flames to cloud city engines, added landing lights and bolts to cloud city scene, reworked tv screen texture and material for ian's dot matrix thing, tweaked amplify colour further
New in game UI WIP - Not functional yet
Removed debug line drawing
Fixed ball bounce issue when using standard modifier
Added dive toggle for each character
Switched to spline ball movement for serve - not sure if this will stay
Fixed default ragdoll parts
Made cargoplane/airdrop/bridges/monuments visible at longer distances
Slowed down cargo plane
Hit height value added for players
Some Clientside profiling
Swapped out one blendshape.
- PlayerCamera Grab movement gets disabled when Building placement is active
- SmartObject now sets its Layer on init to be safe
Fixed stability system not marking some surrounding blocks as dirty
Char05 Final assets. Maya scene with blendshapes, ZBrush sculpt and blendshape projects. PSD and tga textures.
Updated LegacyLevel to work with latest changes
Terrain shader consolidation mega merge; removed deprecated terrain shaders, now using only one; reorganized
PVT merged 4 cache textures into 1; better TerrainExtension integration; now enabled via keyword toggle
Deprecated PVT_Terrain, moved functionality to TerrainTexturing; lowest quality base texture now works on legacy mode as well
Changed Terrain_Color to Terrain_Alpha; updated shaders from 4 chan color to 1 chan alpha
Updated TestLevel; Procedural Map updated via script