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10 Years Ago
check yo self before yo wreck yo self
10 Years Ago
Mammoth rescale and first draft rig
10 Years Ago
Mammoth imported. Trees reimportd with proper scale.
10 Years Ago
added a couple extra torso flinch entries to the flinch array.
10 Years Ago
-fixed the ikWeight settings on several of the animations. Added a couple of extra torso flinch animations to the state machine
10 Years Ago
added pistol/rock/torch animations to the player anim_controller; fixed a bunch of timing issues. (verified that player animations are working in the "TestLevel" scene)
10 Years Ago
Minor spec tweaks on skin.
10 Years Ago
Water tweaks.
10 Years Ago
Fixed snow & sand rocks.
10 Years Ago
Temporarily deactivated the slightly broken horizon clouds.
10 Years Ago
PBR'ed the plain rocks.
10 Years Ago
Colour grading for TODs and biomes.
10 Years Ago
More LUTs
10 Years Ago
Backup committing a few lookup tables.
10 Years Ago
Made animals rigidbody-free (hyper fast but makes them not-move in the test level and ghost through foundations)
10 Years Ago
Sync with GitHub
10 Years Ago
Need to rename roadsectiontest it is now roadsection and that has been removed. Also removed the old road and testing classes. Added mesh building at end cap and intersection. Need to tidy that up a bit. UVs are stretched a bit which is shite. Got a new simple method though. Get rif of gap artefacts.
10 Years Ago
Added a way to calculate voice speaker amplitude, can be used to animate the mouth of an avatar. Animated the speaker icon to display voice amplitude. Added push to talk for voice chat. Server no longer spawns their own player, it had too many problems. It's now just a static camera.
10 Years Ago
Added a way to calculate voice speaker amplitude, can be used to animate the mouth of an avatar. Animated the speaker icon to display voice amplitude. Added push to talk for voice chat. Server no longer spawns their own player, it had too many problems. It's now just a static camera.
10 Years Ago
Cleaned up Atm Blend and replaced BlendLUT in Main Camera prefab
10 Years Ago
Added Atmospheric Blending; superset of BlendLUT doing temporal conditions across multiple latitudes/biomes Fixed AM vector rendering code
11 Years Ago
Upgraded project to unity5b2
11 Years Ago
Completed P2P voice chat, needs testing in multiplayer to make sure it works. Also added experimental shoutcast radio streaming.
11 Years Ago
Completed P2P voice chat, needs testing in multiplayer to make sure it works. Also added experimental shoutcast radio streaming.
11 Years Ago
Additional shaders for clothing
11 Years Ago
Made sure all the fbx files are not importing any materials and they're using RustPlayerAvatar; set up the various parameters for the pistol/rock/torch anims
11 Years Ago
Adding basic tshirt. LODs done, still needs weights.
11 Years Ago
Fixed WaterUpdate NRE's (probably)
11 Years Ago
Demo playback volume can now be specified.
11 Years Ago
Demo playback volume can now be specified.
11 Years Ago
Demos can now record sound playback events.
11 Years Ago
Demos can now record sound playback events.
11 Years Ago
Adding models and textures for hazmat set. Still needs weights, but LOD are done.
11 Years Ago
checking in all the fbx files now (tested that everything works so far), in case i break something later on when i change the player anim controller.
11 Years Ago
Tweaked how much demos affect screen glow so that overlayed graphics have more of an effect.
11 Years Ago
Tweaked how much demos affect screen glow so that overlayed graphics have more of an effect.
11 Years Ago
Fixed an error when packing an image with an odd number of pixels, and removed some redundant methods.
11 Years Ago
Fixed an error when packing an image with an odd number of pixels, and removed some redundant methods.
11 Years Ago
Nuked some broken rock prefabs. Added new shader for fabrics (self illum and vertex color controller animation) wipppy wip wip
11 Years Ago
Tweaking camp assets.
11 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of arcade
11 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of arcade
11 Years Ago
Added lives and score to the Breakout clone, started highscore viewing / entry stage.
11 Years Ago
Added lives and score to the Breakout clone, started highscore viewing / entry stage.
11 Years Ago
Worked out calculations for splines. Manage the components for caps and intersections. Generate meshes. Need to decide how to blend two different road types.
11 Years Ago
Client network connection will skip out if too much time has been spent processing packets Fixed water not having reflection/refraction Removed SetIKWeight references Profiling Stuff Fixed FakePhysics running clientside (perf)
11 Years Ago
Impala cleanup and scale fixes.
11 Years Ago
Missed two mats
11 Years Ago
Asset cleanup and rexporting with standardised scaling and other fixes
11 Years Ago
Fixed possible NRE in AIBody