
11,174 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.36cph!

7 Days Ago
Basic controller haptics (#1498) Allows for controller haptics based on haptic events. ```cs public static void TriggerHaptics( HapticEffect pattern, float lengthScale = 1.0f, float frequencyScale = 1.0f, float amplitudeScale = 1.0f ) ``` e.g. ```cs Input.TriggerHaptics( HapticEffect.HardImpact ); ```
7 Days Ago
Shadergraph: Add OneMinus node
7 Days Ago
Shadergraph: float2 and float3 can specify ranges
8 Days Ago
Fix hlsl antlr grammar 🙄 Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5382
8 Days Ago
Stop sound handle when stopping or disposing music player
8 Days Ago
ComponentTypeSelector: don't allow left arrow navigation if trying to name component
8 Days Ago
Reduce parallel cubemap updates on load, we allocate a new lightbinner for each new parallel view and each of them allocates a lot of new GPU buffers when they should be shared, I'll revisit this after shadowcache
8 Days Ago
Use assets folder when collecting files for manifest Don't add asset browser node for projects without assets Don't collect assets from projects with no assets folder Don't save the project list in editor, only save the project list when adding from launcher Fix ProjectSettings path resolution, rename Project.Path to Project.ConfigFilePath Error fix
8 Days Ago
GPU Shadow Culling (#1523) --------- Co-authored-by: Matt Stevens <>
8 Days Ago
Citizen/animgraph: added WalkFast_NW & WalkFast_W + updated animgraph
8 Days Ago
Shadergraph: Add depth node
8 Days Ago
These two clothing icons were missed in the layout change
8 Days Ago
Clamp navmesh heightfield size to sane values to avoid alloc crash
8 Days Ago
Move editor addon .cs files to Code directories Update .git-blame-ignore-revs
8 Days Ago
Pigtail Hair + Eyelashes Update + Fixes to .clothing files
8 Days Ago
Scope to active controller when looking for glyph vendor
9 Days Ago
Can use Alt+F4 to close the game
9 Days Ago
Force add compiled menu scenes
9 Days Ago
Yield in RenderThumbnailAsync to avoid Qt errors/crashes Fix trying to create layout in MixerDetail when a layout already exists Remove unused args Create libraries folder Libraries basics Editor and UnitTest folders should be in the root of the project code now needs to be in Code subfolder, assets need to be in Assets subfolder (hard coded and removed option to change) Move addon asset locations, fix tests Fix not mounting base/citizen Include library dll in publish Clean this code up a bit When loading assemblies, pre-resolve dependencies and load them in order This is probably wrong tbh. Should probably just be loading them all at once and letting it take care of it. Merge branch 'master' into packages Merge fixes Update minimal game template with new folder layout Libraries + new folder layout (read sbox-issues/discussions/5373)
9 Days Ago
Add serialized array collection Fix lists (in structs?) not saving when list is empty, parent property not setting target object
9 Days Ago
Make sure worker threads start when calling RunInThreadAsync( Action ) Log a warning if a task runs without yielding for more than 1s Facepunch/sbox-issues#4608
9 Days Ago
Add append shadergraph node Allow node result functions to spit out errors
9 Days Ago
Make AssetInspector an InspectorWidget, fold multiple inspector into it which hadn't worked for a while Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5372
9 Days Ago
Fixed left trigger actions never being found
9 Days Ago
ActionGraph editor tabs (Facepunch/sbox-issues#4491)
10 Days Ago
Fix Asset.CompileIfNeededAsync getting stuck Compile all non-existing and out-of-date assets on project startup Opening project progress gets reported to splash screen Bunch of resources that were out-dated Dead code
10 Days Ago
Fix nav mesh generate trying to add bodies with no shapes
10 Days Ago
Use a mono mix buffer without volume scale to process lipsync, allows sound with zero volume to still drive lipsync
10 Days Ago
Fix concave shapes not combining friction and restitution
10 Days Ago
ActionGraph: Fixed dragging out a signal reroute node
10 Days Ago
Yield in RenderThumbnailAsync to avoid Qt errors/crashes Fix trying to create layout in MixerDetail when a layout already exists
10 Days Ago
ActionGraph: clear properties panel when selected node is deleted
10 Days Ago
Scene ref gizmo: only use weak references to graph elements So references from deleted graphs will hide
10 Days Ago
Fix crash when drag-dropping .sbproj into launcher
10 Days Ago
Expose game controller count to public API
10 Days Ago
Scene reference debug view (Facepunch/sbox-issues#5161) (#1508)
11 Days Ago
Fix shadergraph render option popup not constrained to screen
13 Days Ago
Better metrics
13 Days Ago
Tattoo and Makeup Variations Makeup has colour selector options available. + small fixes to hair cap material files.
13 Days Ago
Update stereo-related camera properties explicitly, rather than bundling in with UpdateSceneCamera
13 Days Ago
Editor scene camera ignores VR settings, only blit for stereo cameras - prevents weird ghostly stereo blit
13 Days Ago
Don't stop shadow animations/transitions when building final style sbox-issues/issues/5122, sbox-issues/issues/4679 Clean up UI lerp functions
14 Days Ago
Render stats analytics, so we can work out whether our optimizations are working
14 Days Ago
Stats properly count shadowed lights again, add shadow map count too Expose scenesystem stats to c# Main stats we want
14 Days Ago
Put edge smoothing data in a new data stream to avoid old data not being able to load
14 Days Ago
Use buttons for edge smoothing like hammer, enum doesn't have multi edit support yet
14 Days Ago
Add smoothing angle to mesh component Edges can be hard, soft or default, smoothing angles are used for default
14 Days Ago
Smooth vertex normals based on edge smoothing
14 Days Ago
Fix CreateEditorFor throwing for array on some types, should be using EditorTypeLibrary
14 Days Ago
Simple edge bridge, connect a face from two open edges of the same mesh