
12,656 Commits over 1,461 Days - 0.36cph!

4 Years Ago
Scale physgun rotation by delta time
4 Years Ago
Revert to tracing welded childrens original collision shape so traces work as normal on client
4 Years Ago
Traces uses entity from shape if it's valid
4 Years Ago
Oops, shape entity needs to be set to child entity, not the root entity
4 Years Ago
Add entity ref to cloned shape instead of having a physics body proxy, traces to a welded child hits the root object
4 Years Ago
Revert SelfOrProxy shit
4 Years Ago
Reload unwelds everything in a weld group
4 Years Ago
Don't return body self or proxy for traces, instead use SelfOfProxy when needed
4 Years Ago
Rebuild body mass after removing cloned shapes
4 Years Ago
Shader rebuild Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Handle rewelding for welded children
4 Years Ago
Handle prop welding properly, handles welding of groups and unwelding from group on destroy Move prop welding logic into Prop.Weld.cs Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Use Decal Asset Asset hotloading bullethole assets
4 Years Ago
Debug out Asset loading generic
4 Years Ago
Added shitty placeholder range editor that took way too long to make
4 Years Ago
Asset compile fix Update config\decal.asset
4 Years Ago
Added type menu to inspector
4 Years Ago
Automatically add asset types instead of hardcoding assettypes.txt Include assetbrowser in gmod_game since I get the feeling I'm gonna rip the ass out of it Asset icons Scale icon in assetbrowser Remove surface_properties asset type Remove unused Ignore QPixmap::scaleWidth warnings
4 Years Ago
ADDONS path Don't ever use sdkenginetools.txt Programatically add inspector and its file type associations Inspector loads from config/*.asset
4 Years Ago
Remove debug shit
4 Years Ago
Compile fix
4 Years Ago
Fixed dev_preview particles
4 Years Ago
Fixed def errors Added bind friendly MeshSystem.CreateProjectedDecal Actually fuck that, I don't want to compile the whole engine again InteropGen - reduce span so we can see errors Handles Update sceneobject.def Update Handles.cs Update SceneObjectFlags.cs SceneObject Get/SetBoolValue Decal cleanup Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Adapt sunLightObjNative to definition change
4 Years Ago
Implement conversion from Angle to forward Vector3 and vice versa Finish base API for Light SunLight base for directional light Light cleanup Cbasemodelentity def cleanup Fix light types Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Add types for AnimSceneObject, SceneParticleObject
4 Years Ago
Make GetManagedType, GetManagedHandle const Child handle types return handle class instead of native class Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Implement RecalculateDerivedValues and boilerplate in C# Move lighttype enum to engine, document light and iterate it a bit Merge branch 'master' of sbox Typo
4 Years Ago
SceneObjects are handle based Interop: Added HandleChild SceneObject OnNativeInit/OnNativeDestroy Added Assert.AreEqual Added HandleIndex.ForceNextObject Light + Skybox constructors force that object as created object
4 Years Ago
Added ModelEntity.GetBone( PhysicsBody body ) TraceResult has Bone - which is the bone that the hitbox is attached to, or that the physics object is attached to
4 Years Ago
Better decal system bindings wip
4 Years Ago
name fixes
4 Years Ago
Adding decalgamesystem.cpp to server Create decalgamesystem.def
4 Years Ago
Bullet hole decal Surface describe decal DoBulletImpact also drops a decal
4 Years Ago
Wood impact Flesh impact
4 Years Ago
Bind PhysicsImpactSound PhysSurfaceProperties.UpdateSounds C_OP_WorldTraceConstraint.m_bDecayBounce default to true Added SurfaceExtension in addon code, with DoBulletImpact Rand.FromArray returns default if array in null Default impact effect Gun makes surface impact effects
4 Years Ago
Support min/max/group in fgd kv
4 Years Ago
Fixed shader bat files
4 Years Ago
Update to net 5.0.2 Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Move D_VIEWMODEL_PASS combo to specific shaders rather than having it in a shared fxc Update shaders objects with self shadowing viewmodel Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Don't even bother with surfaceproperties.vsurf Don't bother building surfacepropertyeditor now it's useless Citizen ragdoll use flesh surface
4 Years Ago
Insector: set as active session when window becomes active Adding a bunch of default surfaces
4 Years Ago
Fix compile error in Light.cs
4 Years Ago
Added TraceResult.Surface Added CPhysSurfaceProperties.UpdatePhysics Update Crate Add sensible defaults to surface.fgd WalkController uses tr.Surface.Friction Load all surface assets on game start Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Nuke lightglue Fix assertion when creating dynamic point lights Wip light binds Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Bind g_pVPhysics2 IPhysSurfaceProperty.AddProperty Convert CVPhysics2SurfaceProperyManager to use our list instead of the vsurf list Surface property creation debug code Make tub crate use custom created surface property
4 Years Ago
Pitch/Volume random in sound.fgd
4 Years Ago
Sound asset hotloading
4 Years Ago
Added AssetTypes to inspectorapp File save wildcard uses type
4 Years Ago
Compile asset on save Inspector: file name in titlebar