
11,167 Commits over 1,308 Days - 0.36cph!

20 Days Ago
Support warnOnMissing for SvgLoader.Load, don't spit out loads of warnings if our SVG wasn't found for input glyphs (we fall back to glyphs that always exist), display exception message in warning
21 Days Ago
New Hair - Braided beard and patchy beard
21 Days Ago
Try adjusting size before opening menu
21 Days Ago
Nicer action graph ValidationException stack traces
21 Days Ago
Check if particle manager is valid before creating query, it doesn't exist when tests are running?
21 Days Ago
Create particle query in scene world constructor instead
21 Days Ago
Add particle query for scene worlds, implement trace line for collisions
22 Days Ago
Fixed NetPermission not working for static Rpcs (Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5188)
22 Days Ago
Fix failing test, use float.PositiveInfinity not -1
22 Days Ago
NetList implements IList, IList<T> NetDictionary implements IDictionary, IDictionary<TKey,TValue>
22 Days Ago
AnimationIterationCount uses float infinity instead of -1 for "infinite" Fixes sbox-issues/issues/5306 Add index setter to SegmentedControl Fixes sbox-issues/issues/5300 Refresh editor title on project update Give primary buttons more feedback on click Project settings window updates title etc. correctly when project is modified sbox-issues/issues/4862
22 Days Ago
Open project when created Adding a new project sets it to the top Don't copy .gitignore if it exists - fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#4634 Opening a .sbproj adds to project list
22 Days Ago
Add basic WorldInput component (
22 Days Ago
TypeSerializedProperty.TryGetAsContainer should not propogate NoteChanged, commented on this behaviour - Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5174
22 Days Ago
Can push the gizmo grid all the way down to 0.125 (with the hotkey too)
22 Days Ago
Start button on gamepad behaves the same way as hitting ESC
22 Days Ago
Accumulate escape presses across all input contexts - Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5314
23 Days Ago
Create scene lights in default particle system query
23 Days Ago
Remove physics world creation flags
23 Days Ago
Remove userdata from physics interface
23 Days Ago
Remove pre and post solve callbacks from physics interface
23 Days Ago
Remove OverlapTest_t from physics world query, we don't use it
23 Days Ago
AMD driver check: 2.0.279 is fine for Polaris/Vega
24 Days Ago
Fix audio player play thread stomping seek request
24 Days Ago
Fix PhysicsShape.Triangulate incorrect index count
25 Days Ago
Add some null checks around lipsync processing
25 Days Ago
Fix LockCursorToCanvas on monitors with different DPI
25 Days Ago
Use string lists in ImpactEffectData
25 Days Ago
Fix music player seek not working before audio has chance to start playing
26 Days Ago
Fix icon
26 Days Ago
Add lipsync component for sound components
26 Days Ago
Add LipSyncAccessor
27 Days Ago
big scruffy beard adjustment
27 Days Ago
hair texture adjustments for colour wheel
27 Days Ago
Allow lipsync to be enabled on music player
27 Days Ago
Add SoundHandle.LipSync to opt into lipsync processing
27 Days Ago
Fix texture filtering inside ui_cssbox.shader Fix filtering in other UI shaders too
27 Days Ago
Add SoundHandle.SampleRate
27 Days Ago
CSS box shader - D_BORDER_IMAGE combo should be range 0..2 Fixes sbox-issues/issues/4874
27 Days Ago
Removing shape from body will only remove contacts associated with the shape, not all contacts of the body
27 Days Ago
Use "unknown" key instead of "any" key I was using in testing
27 Days Ago
Skip driver version check if running under proton
27 Days Ago
Revert "HotloadManager disposes Hotload instance, was stopping assembly unloading" This reverts commit 1d83455903d1b9995c5680c933c49738ce22f149. Revert "LoadContext.Unload also unloads all it's IsolatedAssemblyContext" This reverts commit 672aabaadd48f649bf3c38068d4efe2e2c55780e.
27 Days Ago
space outfit texture fixes
27 Days Ago
HotloadManager disposes Hotload instance, was stopping assembly unloading Warn for older AMD GPU drivers too, 2.0.283 has a driver crash when child processes are opened
27 Days Ago
Hook back Preferences.ControllerLook(Yaw/Pitch)Speed for Input.AnalogLook when using a controller
27 Days Ago
Improve LoadGlyphTexture logic
27 Days Ago
Remove KeyGlyphLoader, supply all keyboard and mouse glyph files Let me know if I missed any buttons, I don't have a numpad on my keyboard so tag me!
27 Days Ago
Avoid collection modified error in NetworkPrune (Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5280)
27 Days Ago
Expose Input.TriggerVibration (using existing API), hook up SDL_GameControllerRumbleTriggers