256,456 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
[ultimate_soldier] fixed civilian not loading base class sounds
made some tweaks to the 1st person spear animations
Post-build deployment, GUID: 6c02c534-a765-43ab-81fd-7b3d047a31ed
Fucked with player and quality settings for the BBDK.
Graph is now coloured again.
Fixed a possible exception when removing entities.
Added a couple of convenient scripts to call premake5.
Fix being able to no-collide with walls by hitting them with the hammer :S
added a more natural idle animation for the melee
added a "Gesture_fullBody" to the mecanim
Fixed atlas shader texture popping bug on nv650M/windows
Updated custom standard/universal shaders to latest universal core cginc
Updating pvt shader to standard/universal
Made splats set by terrain modifiers have chamfered corners
Authentication with TNet is a bit of a fuck about but almost done!
Removed some legacy code from the terrain generator
re-added drink to mechanim gestures layer
removed mechanim flinch transitions
re-added player gestures to mechanim & deleted unrequired params
Completely disabled PVT to fall back to the texture atlas terrain shader
Temporarily disabling EAC for osx/linux (until EAC for osx/linux works properly)
Made lock code spawnable with existing items (temporary)
Updated scene2prefab, phrases
Updated quality settings (LOD bias now [1.0, 0.5] with linear falloff from best to worst)
Minor terrain generator cleanup + comments to stop the stupid future me from screwing it up
Added DontBecomeSolidWithPlayerInside
Fixed exception when loading old save
changed clips for player gesture anims
source player gesture anims updated
[ultimate_soldier] more sfx
Made tree colliders convex or converted to capsules (perf, memory)
[ultimate_soldier] starts with title screen again
[ultimate_soldier] cam shake when shooting
[ultimate_soldier] diff colored walls
[ultimate_soldier] player spawns in center of shop room
[ultimate_soldier] AI pick up the best closest gun they can see, instead of just the closest
[ultimate_soldier] floater text when saving civilian
[ultimate_soldier] a bit of fading, janky though
Post-build deployment, GUID: de3b2cb5-84a7-4177-a613-c5afc4ab073a
Post-build deployment, GUID: 3219dd0f-8d38-4669-827e-01506218e491
Removed Bolt.
Had to rename stuff like player because TNet isn't already in a namespace and takes up the type Player. Is that bloke a cunt or what?
Merge branch 'master' of arcade
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/arcade
SetLayer checks to see if renderable exists
[ultimate_soldier] guns wont shoot when throwing them into buttons
[ultimate_soldier] civs prefer to follow player, cant leave through entrance
[ultimate_soldier] some mission progression stuff
- Added a NavAgentSlowTrigger script to slow down Agents when inside trigger volumes (river crossings)
- More shader and scene updates
- Fixed some issues with GroupsAgentMoveTo