256,243 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
added "temp" layer for ian
tweaked animal animation speeds.
merge from main/distantbooms2
Only calculate the distant sound crossfade on sound init for now
Distant gunshots and explosions round 2
Forgot the implementation of the ambience wind intensity check
Tweaked weather transition speeds
Added wind intensity range to ambience
Fixed bootstrapping taking a very long time on OSX
FloraPrefab OnEnable stuff removed, new FloraPrefabs and RockPrefabs now register with ZoneSeasons for their material setup
SpawnHandler tick now measured in TOD Hours (using TOD_Time.OnHour)
Removed TerrainMeta Awake() logic, Init now called from the parent Zone
Added Pine Tree Item + Resource asset
Spawn tinkering
Slightly changing how entity collision events are handled ( added ent:ReceiveCollisionMessages( bool ) )
Added placeholder rain sounds
Linked sqlite3 on OSX
Added sqlite3.c to build on Windows and Linux
Moved frontend items into panel
Export the sqlite functions on Windows
Added custom editors for SpawnHandler, GrassSpawn and DecorSpawn (YAY REFRESH BUTANS)
Re-worked SpawnPopulation to support spawning ItemSettings assets via their Create() method
Added ItemSettings.Create() overload with transform params
Added some test spawn assets for trees and berry bushes
NRE checks on some delegates in PlayerController
Before/SpeedTree*: changed Smoothness/Transmission map to TintMask/Transmission map; added support for masked tinting
Removed creepy ghost box that was following me around on CraggyIsland
Added rain drop camera overlay when looking straight up while it's raining
Added separate rain and snow getters to the climate class
3rd person animations for Howling like a wolf
Don't expose SQLite directly by manually adding code to it, instead wrap it in a single C++ file
re-exported water material
re-exported trees with vertex alpha on top
changed AO intensity to 2, tweaked posterising on water
Added water droplet shader (featuring refraction and dynamic lighting)
Added snow and rain particle effects
resaved unity scene, tweaked char material
added shiney new water to swamp scene, blended tops of trees and background trees to fade to skybox colour
Make sure all sounds are controllable by volume controls