254,761 Commits over 3,990 Days - 2.66cph!
fixed ww court dirt and court main textures to remove erroneous court line on tramlines
Fixed collision on trainer alt character
Added animation for warning marker and lob marker
Fixed PrefabPreProcess setting inactive prefabs to active after processing if in the editor
Added debug logs to CullCell
Fixed PrefabPreProcess calling Awake / OnEnable on preprocessed prefabs if inside the editor
Added debug logs to RandomDynamicPrefab
Removed NPCSurvey from SpawnHandler tick (causing slow / crashing resource respawn?)
[zombies] clamped camera movement, started on hud
[zombies] slightly easier to select single soldiers
[zombies] soldiers try to spread out when standing still
Fix rock sounds not playing
[zombies] soldiers spread out a bit when moving multiple at once
[zombies] enemies recalculate path when switching grid pos to find newer better paths
some 3rd person animations for the pump shotgun
Debugging not being able to wake up
Added Y and Back buttons to Unity input controller setup, fixed camera direction issue
Fixed stack splitting dupe bug
Brute force merge without any lube.
* Add materials for TOOL.Information stuff
* GitSync
Added a point to play camera celebrations, static for now as the cameras are likely to be animated. Added camera shake on anim event. Can now exit celebrate anim state without transition. Added ape lose to controller.
Changed legacyterrrain splat control textures from rgba1+rgba2 to rgb0+rgb1+rgb2
Fixed control map being tiled in shader when in edit-mode
Can cycle through characters and courts
[zombies] spawn zombies around level
New screen cover transition
Added a new scene for the demo
Catch & report RPC exceptions nicer
Fixed EAC banned users sometimes not getting kicked properly
Beta 21 changes, UI score bars can be hidden
Fixed NRE in RandomDynamicPrefab.EnterView
If network exception disconnection, tell server what the exception was
Handle main menu news not loading properly
Fixed blurry menu texture
Fixed UI scaling wrong on 4:3
Fixed some player chat messages just printing "SERVER"
Fixed white line on Steam avatars
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/arcade
Fixed not being able to drag from belt bar or some of loot bar
Put corpse inventory container first (temp hack, so can loot corpse body)