256,592 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Post-build deployment, GUID: be7a098e-04c7-4bcb-9751-96f4bf474af0
Documentation updated during deployment build be7a098e-04c7-4bcb-9751-96f4bf474af0.
Documentation updated during deployment build be7a098e-04c7-4bcb-9751-96f4bf474af0.
Adding lods for the smoke stack, hopefully in the right place this time ;)
Documentation updated during building of 36c2e9d4cee0f6914dc7ab76b2fd30e4c8f9f231.
Documentation updated during building of 36c2e9d4cee0f6914dc7ab76b2fd30e4c8f9f231.
Merge branch 'deploy' of ssh://github.com/Facepunch/arcade
Updated TypeScript submodule.
Temporary fix for Vector3DTest not being found by premake.
Latest building_basic_all.max
view model fishing rod sound effects.
Post-build deployment, GUID: b374dc49-2dc7-4670-b540-a8a269131006
Documentation updated during building of 0e4854ccb17b1ac31d0e8b580a94a9f36678a2ac.
Documentation updated during building of 0e4854ccb17b1ac31d0e8b580a94a9f36678a2ac.
Merge branch 'deploy' of ssh://github.com/Facepunch/arcade
Post-build deployment, GUID: a244ecf5-a5a4-43b1-ab4a-d8d39ac57a79
Documentation updated during building of d2ad429543192289b5612c9dfa74ba8af986b289.
Documentation updated during building of d2ad429543192289b5612c9dfa74ba8af986b289.
Merge branch 'deploy' of ssh://github.com/Facepunch/arcade
Added very basic player instancing.
Updated to b12. Some building prefab changes.
fishing rod animations (catch fish / catch nothing)
Added TerrainMeta to all terrains
Backup commit of an initial working version of the grass system (do not use yet)
Stripped out building block levels, levelling up, building, build proficiency, demolish proficiency
Added vm bob to bone knife prefab
tweaked bone knife vm anims
updated bone knife vm source anims
renamed bone knife idle to idle_rare & simplified basic idle
Bootstrapping all worked out (for now)
Cleaned up all scenes and updated Main Menu with a new background.
Added latest theme music
updated smokestack just need to lod and add foliage.
Fixed OnDrawGizmos error in GroupAgentsMoveTo
Pie menu placeholder sounds
Added description, icon to entity menus
Icons +desc for tool cupboard, locks and door
Post-build deployment, GUID: 1a9802c6-b330-4ceb-8d94-d2c64bb14aeb
Documentation updated during building of ee5d795a322fa213f44874494a597db3d9f06f03.
Documentation updated during building of ee5d795a322fa213f44874494a597db3d9f06f03.
Merge branch 'deploy' of ssh://github.com/Facepunch/arcade
fix for C# games not running
Post-build deployment, GUID: ac90063c-58c8-4ac4-ab8a-e3ff51375614
Documentation updated during building of 82d50498a49fd2c49e87959e7795625dea90382b.
Documentation updated during building of 82d50498a49fd2c49e87959e7795625dea90382b.
Merge branch 'deploy' of ssh://github.com/Facepunch/arcade
added docs for Tilemap.cs
Merge branch 'deploy' of ssh://github.com/Facepunch/arcade