256,345 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Added Temperature sampling to WorldManager (should probably be moved).
- Sample tempature from position converted to long/lat, with multipliers from Season and altitude (needs time of day modifier).
Optimized tree collisions by about 40000%
Renaming SmartOjbects\BuildMe to BuildThis
Added a BuildThis PlayerCommandSO to behave... and relevant scripts.
Removing generated textures from the colmeshes.
Optimized tree collision mesh files.
Fixed maximum jump velocity being faster than the last movement velocity
More work on AIObstacleMesh (almost done)
Fixed a typo in premake5.lua
- Updated Building and BuildingController to init properly.
- Child SOs of Builidings are initalised when their parent GO is activated (Finished state is default)
- SitOnMe SO now automatically finds SitLocation in it's children
Added vm anim source file for picking berries/fruit etc
updated stone hatchet maps.
Fixed some compile-time warnings.
- Improving BuildingController a bit...
- Placement now averages a few normal samples around the initial ray hit point and aligns the placement to that average
- Valid placement now checks against a normal threshold
- Building prefabs restructured to support this
- Added Building class
Package game button is now visibly disabled when running a pre-packaged game.
Small changes to docs and some refactoring.
Small changes to docs and some refactoring.
Small changes to docs and some refactoring.
Unity DLLs are now automatically copied into Resources if the existing copies differ to the versions in Unity's installation path.
Need to roll back to Unity 4 because Bolt doesn't work.
[Vector3DTest] Some final tweaks.
Fixed stone hatchet normalmap.
Properly fixed line clipping this time.
Implemented line clipping in DrawLines().
Added SeedRandom.Wanghash
Added SuperSampling and AtmosphericBlend from Rust.
Disabled terrain spec until the shader supports 5.0 deferred
Added back text rollovers for Play and Record
[Vector3DTest] Near plane clipping.
updated stone hatchet icon
[Vector3DTest] Moved screen adjustments into perspective matrix, basic line culling.
changed autospawn/resources to autospawn/resource
[Vector3DTest] Fixed cuboid rendering, no frustum clipping yet.
Fix for cursor controls in the emulator.
[ultimate_soldier] removed debug visuals
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/arcade
fnished the 3rd person medical syringe animations
Small model/texture tweak for the bandages. Forgot to add some stuff to the original checked in files
Adding bandage case viewmodel and textures
Looks like text rollovers didn't commit correctly
Tweaked volumes of animal sounds
Fixed footsteps being broke
Updated WeatherManager to minipulate new global fog values. Tweaked weather and season settings.
commiting source files for recent view models and 3rd person anims