258,082 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!
Fixed crashes when playing scenes from loose VCD files
Updated items from admin site
Editor config - Builder/Planner
Backing up editor config here
Moved image effects from UI to BG camera to keep UI from randomly not showing up on OS X
Fixed server not knowing where the player's eyes were
Allow prefab override (building parts use this)
Make sure CreatePrefab always returns active GameObjects
Cancel FrameDestroy after built
Fixed never un-becoming frame on client
Space switches between active players on dedicated server
Fixed serialization compile error
Procedural terrain now on Terrain layer
Fixed client BuildingBlock erroring because definition wasn't set
Fixed client BuildingBlock not getting ingredients properly
Melee attack is now instant, instead of hitpoint delayed
Frames now have ingredients
Hammer now builds frames
Frames now build and become real building components
Added SendNetworkUpdate
Added playerinventory.Take
Added playerinventory.GetAmount
Added clientside PreNetworkUpdate, PostNetworkUpdate
Fixed hammer viewmodel casting shadows
Fixed constructions not being 'walkable'
Added high-pass filtered grass atlas and made it the default to test
This maintains some grass texture color variation compared to the grayscale version
Unified sound file locations (Content/Sounds)
Temporarily changed OS X build to 32bit due to instability issues (revisit with Unity 5)
Disabled automatic material import for weapon models
Moved weapon materials and textures to correct folders
Sync with GitHub for June 10th.
added construct.frameminutes (how long before an inactive frame gets deleted)
Fixed construction layer override also setting socket handles
Building Blocks are now saved/networked properly
Building Block skins now changed properly on clientside
Building shader has _Valid - changes when placement is valid
Added GameObject.ReplaceMaterials( material ) - replaced materials recursively
Added terrain shader singlepass skeleton
Added terrain shader splat utility method
Reorganising entity source files
neatened up foundation frame
Textures and meshes for footprints.
-added the diagonal sprinting / jogging to the player animation controller.
-new animations for sprinting diagonally.
Added Construction Frame layer
Constructed foundations start as frames
Added transform.Identity - to set localpos/rot to 0
Added GameObject.InstantiateChild
Added GameObject.SetLayeRecursive
Construct prefabs now have separate frame/finished
Temporary BecomeGhost, BecomeFrame (this needs to work on server)
Fixed some outdated files and updated ignore list
Added socket mods
Added socket mod - SphereCheck
Added Guides layer (for ghosts/deployment guides)
Foundation component now can't be placed in collision
Merged changes from main branch
Added Terrain socket
Added Terrain layer (especially for terrain!)
Masively refactored the way constructions use sockets
Builder module now uses a declared building component
Debug: GiveDefaultItems puts shit on your beltbar for easier debugging
Added foundation plan
Fixed orphaned server query callback causing NRE's
Fixed query NRE errors when steam isn't present
Append error to stop of stack trace, so it shows properly in sentry
Fixed PP context panels not opening.
Added model sources for chairs.