257,954 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!

11 Years Ago
added .meta file
11 Years Ago
updated hammer source file & uploaded fbx & .meta with clip data
11 Years Ago
Fixed warning regarding "global" class name conflict if referenced in code
11 Years Ago
Limit fps on dedicated server (to 60)
11 Years Ago
Black raspberries mesh and textures - 1st checkin.
11 Years Ago
just the player bones.
11 Years Ago
Send spawn message to visibility group - not to everyone
11 Years Ago
Organise received network entities
11 Years Ago
Fixed entity position lerp from 0,0,0 on enter pvs hid some variables Fixed fire not switching on when entering pvs
11 Years Ago
Unsubscribe from network messages when entity leaves PVS
11 Years Ago
stone temple hatchet!!
11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Network visibility for testing - This is going to get a cleanup tomorrow - Maybe moving some of the more generic stuff into Facepunch.dll
11 Years Ago
Enabled fog, Added Ranged SSAO, Added dev texture
11 Years Ago
Small apple changes to the textures, also added a rotten apple mesh.
11 Years Ago
Meat meshes and textures - 1st checkin.
11 Years Ago
added clothing parts folder & individual parts for player
11 Years Ago
Added ores and wood piles to the spawn handler
11 Years Ago
Forgot to commit the tree prefab with script and collider
11 Years Ago
Fixed a bunch of warnings
11 Years Ago
Initial commit of the procedural stuff
11 Years Ago
First stab at an improved terrain shader
11 Years Ago
Tweaked terrain texture import settings
11 Years Ago
Moved protobuffers to their own dll Entity destroy messages
11 Years Ago
A regression happened that meant inventory wasn't being networked properly
11 Years Ago
No meta files/prefabs in art repo plz
11 Years Ago
Don't add meta files to the Art repo
11 Years Ago
Undone delete
11 Years Ago
Client fixes
11 Years Ago
More player animation stuff
11 Years Ago
Removing these animations
11 Years Ago
Player model
11 Years Ago
Fixed oven, cooking Added burning flag Added OnItemChanged event for itemmodules to use
11 Years Ago
Bandage mesh and texture files.
11 Years Ago
Fixed a small but WELL recorded spelling mistake on the rad pills.
11 Years Ago
-source (Maya) files for the hatchet animations
11 Years Ago
-new animations for the hatchet
11 Years Ago
-new animations for the hatchet
11 Years Ago
Fixed client errors
11 Years Ago
Added shadow softener for evaluation, for deferred rendering it is simply enabled by dropping the files in - to disable it simply remove the files The way this works is that hard shadows are being softened by shadow softener, soft shadows are being softened by both shadow softener and the Unity softening algorithm Adjusted the quality settings accordingly to only use hard shadows (i.e. shadow softener) to see if it looks good, we could add the Unity softening for high quality settings if we wanted to Configuring shadow softener is done by defines in the shader include file ShadowSoftenerConfig.cginc, it uses the default values for now Cool features of shadow softener are for example soft point light shadows and less dithering due to PCF
11 Years Ago
Time of Day update to 2.0.6 prerelease 1 Was forced to merge
11 Years Ago
Proper clientside rotation lerp
11 Years Ago
Override player network rotation with viewangles
11 Years Ago
Upped player position rate to 20hz
11 Years Ago
Lerp the player's positions, updated tickrate
11 Years Ago
Smoother player movement Fixed ClientInit being called multiple times
11 Years Ago
Removed popup console window on client Fixed server error on invalid prefab drop Stopped excessive server logging
11 Years Ago
Didnt' save
11 Years Ago
Server browser tweaks, can join game now
11 Years Ago
Capatalized HUD tabs because it looks cool