256,455 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Go easy on water local refl gap reduction to reduce back tracing issues
Moved relevant native interop call declarations to RustNative/Managed/Graphics.cs
Updated native code to match changes to Unity's plugin event handling; gets rid of warning
Updated native builds with latest changes; incremented version in selfcheck
Moved options to main menu (this will get better)
Prevented UI accidentally dissapearing when jabbing F keys
Fixed delete mismatch in fft destroy
Added pooling to device requests to avoid fragmentation
- Made an editor tool to help quickly replace baked prefab rooms
- Added a scene with all rooms in
Player can trigger 3 different specials
Tweaked player corpse bounds
Cull twig wall shadow casting mesh when batched
Tweaked entity visibility check
Added random volumes / pitches for player sounds
Tweaked corpse entity bounds
Warn + fix if loading a save with duplicate entity ids
added dylan's new lava flowing effect to lava court, working on lava lines texture, tweaked lava court texture to be more visible
Enabled prefab preprocessing warmup by default
- Entity animations can now play sounds on activate/deactivate
-EntityAnimationToggleActive now has option to make any child BaseEntityes aware of the player on activation (defaulted to true)
-BaseEntities no longer de-aggro when out of range. Might need to revert this.
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▋▄▇ ▇▅█▇ ▇▊▄▊ ▊▍▇█▍██ ▌▋▍▄ ▄▅▉▆ ▇▇▄▊▇▇▍
Invalidate network cache properly on looting
server.save does a clean save (wipes save cache before saving)
Added exclude filter to warmup
Removed emissive material from keylock
Fixed campfire line of sight check
Added unity graphics interface support
Fixed potential NREs in RPC_Server
- Boozeburner max speed reduced to 280 from 300
- BB flamethrower first use cooldown is now varied by Cooldown + (0-Cooldown)
- Booze burner flamethrower now inherits velocity from ship
- BB flamethrower now fires in bursts even when not in attack range of the player (but needs to be aware of player)
- Gamepad vibration is now cleared on player death
Minor stability tweaks and fixes