256,420 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
new footstep impact effects for animals - snow/sand.
Fixed GoToSmartObject.cs
StandNear/SleepHere/SitByFire DSEs include distance considerations again
Enabled server side collider batching by default
Merge from building_colliders_2
Fixes for nested deploy volumes
More accurate deploy volumes for triangle foundations, triangle floors and foundation steps
Twig tier accurate collisions models
texturing court planes on lava court
working on texturing inner rocks to lava court platforms
New grenade explosion effect
Added match over state / fixed transitions after games and matches
Upping chest texture res slightly (too muddy)
* GitSync
* Added menu_cleanupgmas
Adding the jack o lanterns to the misc loot table
flipped UV's on outer court flowmap, added court wear to court plane 2 (broken on 1 for now)
FOR FUCK SAKE town with quick area collision
FOR FUCK SAKE camera fog to preview in editor
FOR FUCK SAKE camera height fog. Now offseting with player height
- Enemy spawn pack SO added to destroy mission type
Can skip intro
Switched HUD controller
- Added a right stick click graphic to minimap UI
- Removed old, unused gameplay UI prefab
- Split controls and welcome panels up. Control panel is always visible in town.
Enabled Hunting again on Hunting branch.
Merged latest from Main yet again.
Disabled hunting on main.
Merged from Hunting branch, to bring ActionChainData direction to Main.
Merged from main.
Some manual plastering after conflicts.
Tweaks and optimizations.
added wip flow map to court surface
FOR FUCK SAKE attempt to force update the material
FOR FUCK SAKE town, reverted to flat world
!u portal test visual
!A portal shader
- Mission scriptable object definitions now have a mission text property for when we add brief storyline text
Graphics options / UI tweaks
Fixed sound class having serialized properties in #if CLIENT
- LevelBuilder can now be forced to use a specific mission from the inspector for testing straight from a level without town
- Added flows and dungeon setup for test mission level
Jack O Lanterns, model/LODs/Prefabs and item defs
Switched off annoying spaceship
Reduced the deuce level health limit
Reduced deuce reward to 15%