252,247 Commits over 3,990 Days - 2.63cph!

9 Years Ago
latest deer that actually exports correctly
9 Years Ago
missed this material :(
9 Years Ago
got the materials sorted, finally!!
9 Years Ago
Made an editor for unit sounds. Unit sounds are now part of a unit's Audio component's Parameters.
9 Years Ago
source anim files
9 Years Ago
Fixed problem with dead characters blocking bullets.
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
deer has a mesh with the string meat in it to coded in human female and child attachment item bone rotation fixed human crafting anim polished human pickup left and right added human switch item from L to R, R to back and L to back added
9 Years Ago
Updated road
9 Years Ago
unwrapped main and rear on uv2
9 Years Ago
Renamed convert depth shader (revz) to avoid potential name collision
9 Years Ago
ItemComponent boilerplate, Corpse component
9 Years Ago
added beeptruck_lod1 to beep truck scene
9 Years Ago
exported beep_truck_lod1
9 Years Ago
created and exported beep_truck_lod1
9 Years Ago
Set quarry / pumpjack child entity bounds
9 Years Ago
Removed MorphsParametersDrawer
9 Years Ago
updated whitebox
9 Years Ago
Continued work on new audio system.
9 Years Ago
Remvoed duplicate Animation params from UnitSettingsEditor
9 Years Ago
Editor improvements Fixed Goto
9 Years Ago
Editor tweaks Fixed Combat NRE
9 Years Ago
Units have all components in their default list
9 Years Ago
NRE fix
9 Years Ago
EntitySettings.GenerateComponentsList fix
9 Years Ago
atmos edit
9 Years Ago
Fixed Items not having default components
9 Years Ago
Moved corpse
9 Years Ago
Added in lotpreab generation.
9 Years Ago
Fixed water simulation precision issue problem causing seams in shore blend (GLCore only)
9 Years Ago
Editor typos Data save Added Deer Corpse item
9 Years Ago
Fixed bad EntitySettings.GenerateComponentsList
9 Years Ago
Refactored a bunch of EntitySettingsEditor stuff, consistency across all editors for component data Added EntitySettings.DefaultComponents property and validation of fields via reflection Moved Unit.Properties UC back toUnit partial
9 Years Ago
LOS exploit fixes
9 Years Ago
Fixed deadlock in render.RenderView Increased size of render queue and added error message when it runs out of memory
9 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE ssao FOR FUCK SAKE fix factory prefab gap
9 Years Ago
Don't queue SetupBones calls for entities with a BuildBonePositions callback or bone manipulator
9 Years Ago
Mark some unused thread-related ConVars as hidden
9 Years Ago
The best GoalPlan Decision is now removed from the DecisionMaker.Decisions collection prior to GPV construction Added some Building behavious to the the Shelter module
9 Years Ago
Spacebar to pause/freeze
9 Years Ago
Removed GoalPlan BehaviourChain "blackboard filtering". Replaced all usage with new Conditions on "find best" Abilities
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
APO data Crafted items get attached to one of their valid slots instead of a random AP
9 Years Ago
It is no longer possible to chop down trees using a rock Added ResourceSpawner Removed lots of old corpse assets
9 Years Ago
fixed m4 viewmodel rear sight fixed jumping animations so the land, the feet touches the ground better
9 Years Ago
Fixed revz disappearing point and spot lighting (RUST-891,RUST-887)
9 Years Ago
Tribe tracker tweaks
9 Years Ago
Removing scripts from some unit prefabs
9 Years Ago
UI updates
9 Years Ago
Basic avoidance system using Uniy's NavMeshAgent priorities.