254,268 Commits over 3,990 Days - 2.66cph!
Gunshot/explosion volume ducking tweaks
Tone down wounded heartbeat loop a bit
Rocket flight sound is audible from a little farther away
First pass at thunder sounds
City editor UI tweaks.
Added basic road network scripts.
Metal and wood door impact sounds
First pass at silenced gunshots
Adjusted terrain alpha cutoff range
Re-saving all custom map scenes (GameObjectRef serialization)
Converted DecalRotate and DecalScale to prefab attributes
Fixed scale divergence on recycled decals
Added sound templates to asset bundles
developer 1 only works for admins/developers
Hashset.TrimExcess/Clear seems to sometimes crash Unity!!?!??!
some water catchers partial texture rework/materials to rust material
Fix sounds sometimes stopping early when returned to the pool and used again quickly
Scale sound volumes so fades sound linear instead of being mathematically linear
Mixer cleanup
Gunshots and explosions duck world sounds a little bit
Sound templates are pooled
Control reverb spread wander intensity with an animation curve and calm it down a bit
Fixed unit info widget and some general UIWidget display issues
TOD + camera tweaks
Fixed static quarry not being immortal
Helicopter gibs harvestable after 8 minutes of cooling
Fixed being able to shoot through helicopter to hit weakzones (much much harder to kill now, yikes)
▄▌▉▉▉▇▆ ▅▆▋ ▊▆▉▌█▆ ▌▇▄▄▋▉▊▍▌ :▆
Don't let players do anything while receiving snapshot
Fixed "sync position" being disabled on player prefab (!)
Removed crappy UnitFlagConditionSettingsEditor, renamed IsActive to HasFlag in UnitFlagConditionSettings
Asset save
switched to visible metas, fixed null object ref in freezing effect
Moved SetDirty to BeforeInspector
Fixed NRE's with particle LOD's on the helicopter
Fixed graphical issues with napalm
Fixed Helicopter explosion light staying around until relog
Better error message when trying to remove LOD components from cells they don't belong to
increased helicopter weakspot health
EntityCollisionMessage correctly handles batched colliders
subtractive to try and fix shit refs
* Added CNavArea.SetAttributes( int atts )
* Added CNavArea.GetCostSoFar()
* Added CNavArea.ComputeAdjacentConnectionHeightChange( CNavArea )
* Added CNavLadder.GetLength()
* Added navmesh.IsLoaded()
* Added navmesh.SetMarkedArea( CNavArea )
* Added navmesh.GetMarkedArea()
* Added navmesh.SetMarkedLadder( CNavLadder )
* Added navmesh.GetMarkedLadder()
* Added navmesh.GetEditCursorPosition()
* Added navmesh.Reset()
* Added navmesh.Load()
* Added navmesh.Save()
* Added CLuaLocomotion.IsAreaTraversable( CNavArea )
* Added CLuaLocomotion.GetMaxJumpHeight()
* Added PathFollower.ResetAge()
* Added PathFollower.MoveCursorToClosestPosition( Vector pos )
* Added PathFollower.GetHindrance()
* Added PathFollower.GetCursorData()
* Added PathFollower.GetCurrentGoal()
* Added PathFollower.FirstSegment()
* Added PathFollower.LastSegment()
* PathFollower.Compute( pos, nextbot, function ) now has a third paramter - function( area, areafrom, ladder, elevator, length )
Bows fire slightly slower
Bows have much reduced headshot damage
Bows have a little more aim recoil
crossbows fire arrows with much higher velocity (50% instead of 20% )
HV arrows are 'thinner'
some camera tweaks and cleanup, made cursor a widget, added widgets list to UIMangaer (TODO: tick all widgets from the manager instead of screens?)
-some more profiler samples
-reinstated CurrDistance to draw shadows.
-hackily removed world cursor to get a feel for the camera without it.
-reverted previous commit
Subtractive merge cs2039 (camera v3)