
365 Commits over 2,222 Days - 0.01cph!

4 Years Ago
Fixed sometimes false returned from SubscribeDownloadAsync Merge pull request #335 from kamyker/subdl-fix Fixed sometimes false returned from SubscribeDownloadAsync
4 Years Ago
Added SteamServer.UserHasLicenseForApp
4 Years Ago
Added SubscribeDownloadAsync for workshop item SubscribeDownloadAsync has flag state fix Merge pull request #333 from kamyker/ws-download-progress SubscribeDownloadAsync for workshop item
4 Years Ago
Added SteamFriends.GetFriendsWithFlag Added SteamFriends.GetFriendsWithFlag. Reworked SteamFriends.GetFriends and SteamFriends.GetBlocked to work upon it. I also had to expose the FriendFlags. Merge pull request #319 from LukasKastern/master Added SteamFriends.GetFriendsWithFlag
4 Years Ago
Added missing public methods for various functions in ISteamUGC. Fixed UGC Submit process reporting invalid progress value. Added missing newline Added public methods for playtime tracking Added proper implementation of the various 'setreturn...' methods which previously did nothing Made SteamUGCDetails_t.Result available via a public method in UgcItem Exposed the full result of the Vote method Merge pull request #321 from alexcodejammer/master Added missing workshop features
4 Years Ago
Add unsafe overloads for SteamNetworking Fix indentation Merge pull request #323 from HouraiTeahouse/master Add unsafe overloads for SteamNetworking P2P send and recieve functions
5 Years Ago
Add SteamFriends.GetFromSource Merge pull request #310 from laurirasanen/master Add SteamFriends.GetFromSource
5 Years Ago
Fix SteamFriends.GetRichPresence(key, value) Adds key/value to the dictionary only if the rich presence was set successfully. Also fixes #307 Merge pull request #308 from TheCubicNoobik/SteamFriends-fix Fix SteamFriends.GetRichPresence(key, value)
5 Years Ago
Update package version
5 Years Ago
Throw exceptions if trying to use client interfaces with no client
5 Years Ago
Don't catch and send exceptions to OnCallbackException in RunCallbacks (but do in RunCallbacksAsync) Can disable automatic RunCallback calling by setting asyncCallbacks to false in Init
5 Years Ago
Revert "Revert "Fixed server not being listed on master server"" This reverts commit ac8983ee949501dec4a241e3494a57fa7cc61de3.
5 Years Ago
Revert "Fixed server not being listed on master server" This reverts commit c69b817d62fe90e17e748e190d055b7ee511ff20.
5 Years Ago
Removed usages of StringBuffer Il2CPP fucks over StringBuffer by changing its Capacity We can properly UTF8 convert these strings now
5 Years Ago
Added UGCItem download stats
5 Years Ago
Trying PreserveAttribute instead
5 Years Ago
Added CompileFix.bat whcih calls dotnet restore on every project (wtf) Prevent Utf8StringToNative.GetInstance getting optimized out
5 Years Ago
Add files via upload Merge pull request #286 from LukasKastern/master Fixed GetFriends returning blocked friends
5 Years Ago
Handle steam shutdown nicer
5 Years Ago
win64 doesn't care about calling convention - but apprently il2cpp does, so we use CallingConvention.Cdecl on everthing Il2Cpp didn't like CustomMarshaler on returns, so string returns are Utf8StringPointer instead, which implicit converts to string
5 Years Ago
Fix MatchMakingKeyValuePair issues
5 Years Ago
Lobby game server methods, OnLobbyGameCreated event, Achievement progress notification Added SetGameServer and GetGameServer for lobby, added OnLobbyGameCreated event in SteamMatchmaking, added SteamId.IsValid check against default ulong value, added SteamUserStats.IndicateAchievementProgress for progress notification. Updated summary for SetGameServer, IndicateAchProg exception Added OnLobbyCreated Added OnLobbyCreated action and handler for associated LobbyCreated_t event Merge pull request #281 from thesupersoup/master Lobby game server methods, OnLobbyCreated and OnLobbyGameCreated, Achievement progress
5 Years Ago
Fix LocalTimestamp Merge pull request #283 from Agoxandr/fixtypo Fix typo SteamNetworkingUtils.LocalTimestamp
5 Years Ago
LobbyQuery Numerical Filters, NearValFilter, SteamClient and Friend OwnsLobby methods Added LobbyQuery numerical filters for WithLower, WithHigher, WithEqual, and WithNotEqual; added OrderByNear for near value filters. Added OwnsLobby method to SteamClient and Friend to test for ownership. Update LobbyQuery.cs NumericalFilter struct and suggested changes Added NumericalFilter struct, changed the dictionary for numerical filters into a list of the struct, removed IsOwner from Friend and SteamClient and added IsOwnedBy( SteamId ) to Lobby Update LobbyQuery.cs Update NumericalFilter.cs Removed unnecessary using statements Merge pull request #278 from thesupersoup/master LobbyQuery Numerical and NearVal Filters, SteamClient and Friend OwnsLobby
5 Years Ago
Cleanup proper
5 Years Ago
Clean workspace up
5 Years Ago
Only copy dlls to debug locations if we're compiling on my PC
5 Years Ago
Update Jenkinsfile
5 Years Ago
Platform specific dlls New projects in solution StructPlatformPackSize instead of runtime Pack8 shit No need for _Windows function alternatives No need to use Config.Os for vtable address swapping Code formatting Neater generated vtable code Global function cleanup Callback vtable uses #ifdef Config no longer needed POSIX32 32bit test libs 32bit test projects Copy steam_api in tests Allow 32bit processes Translate memory offsets for 32bit Handle struct returns differently on 32bit windows too Swap overloaded function address on both win32 and win64 PLATFORM_32/64 defines StructPlatformPackSize is 8 on win32 Fixed pointer size in ConnectionInterface
5 Years Ago
Sting Filter fixes
5 Years Ago
LobbyQuery String Filter Added LobbyList FilterStringKeyValue method, fixed spacing on SteamMatchmaking.LobbyEnter_t.Install() parameter LobbyQuery FilterStringKeyValue diff param Added MatchMakingKeyValuePair_t veriant of FilterStringKeyValue Update LobbyQuery.cs Method summary for FilterStringKeyValue( MatchMakingKeyValuePair_t kv ) Added summary to method Removed second FilterStringKeyValue method and improved first Second method was non-functional due to access modifier inconsistency, added IsNullOrEmpty and MaxLobbyKeyLength check to first method, added MaxLobbyKeyLength (and backing field) to SteamMAtchmaking, taken from Exceptions and expression body definition Added exception throwing for FilterStringKeyValue, changed MaxLobbyKeyLength to internal and expression body definition Changed exception check in FilterStringKeyValue To check for invalid argument conditions Merge pull request #277 from thesupersoup/master LobbyQuery FilterStringKeyValue method
5 Years Ago
Added missing methods to UgcItem and UgcQuery Added Steamworks.Ugc.Query.WhereSearchText Added Steamworks.Ugc.Item.VotesUp Added Steamworks.Ugc.Item.VotesDown Added Steamworks.Ugc.Item.Subscribe Added Steamworks.Ugc.Item.Unsubscribe Update UgcItem.cs Merge pull request #276 from JannikNickel/master Added missing functionality to UgcQuery and UgcItem
5 Years Ago
Added SteamClient.RestartAppIfNecessary
5 Years Ago
Utf8String marshaller Store struct strings as byte and encode as utf8 on demand Added CreateChineseFile test Nicer return string marshalling
5 Years Ago
Controller progress Cleanup, crash fixes Merge branch 'master' of Facepunch.Steamworks
5 Years Ago
Pull req - OnLobbyEntered Action and JoinLobbyAsync Added an OnLobbyEntered action with associated LobbyEnter_t event install, and added a JoinLobbyAsync method which returns the joined lobby if successful Pull req - OnLobbyEntered Action and JoinLobbyAsync Added an OnLobbyEntered action with associated LobbyEnter_t event install, and added a JoinLobbyAsync method which returns the joined lobby if successful Merge pull request #274 from thesupersoup/master Pull req - OnLobbyEntered Action and JoinLobbyAsync
5 Years Ago
Controller tests
5 Years Ago
ISteamInput generation SteamInput Base Convert steam struct bools to bytes (to make them marshallable) ISteamInput.GetConnectedControllers is an array SteamInput, Controller boilerplate
5 Years Ago
OnP2PConnectionFailed passes error enum
5 Years Ago
Increase max string length Merge branch 'master' of Facepunch.Steamworks
5 Years Ago
Install SteamNetworkingSockets events when initializing SteamServer Merge pull request #269 from laurirasanen/master Install SteamNetworkingSockets events when initializing SteamServer
5 Years Ago
nuget version
5 Years Ago
Add IntPtr version of HandleIncomingPacket
5 Years Ago
Fixed server not being listed on master server Added SteamServer.LogOff() Added SteamServer.ClearKeys() Added OnSteamServerConnectFailure
5 Years Ago
Some currency fix ups Append Async to some async method names
5 Years Ago
Added SteamInventory.StartPurchaseAsync
5 Years Ago
Fixed history servers being returned in favourites Added SteamMatchmaking.GetHistoryServers()
5 Years Ago
ServerInfo (AddTo|RemoveFrom)(History|Favorites) works Added SteamMatchmaking.GetFavoriteServers() Changed FriendGameInfo GamePort to ConnectionPort to match ServerInfo
5 Years Ago
Added GetAuthSessionTicketAsync, which waits on GetAuthSessionTicketResponse_t before returning
5 Years Ago
Filled out FriendGameInfo