
365 Commits over 2,222 Days - 0.01cph!

5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Dropped net35 supoport 64bit only Steamworks 144 Fixes, Codegen Fixed early outing with enum for no reason Fixed RetrieveConnectionDetails char* type ActivateGameOverlayToWebPage new modal param Parse newer style STEAM_CALLBACK_BEGIN to Remove steam_api.dll Update steam_api64.dll Unit test dlls Don't need steam_api.dll in tests Throw warning if trying to use in 32bit process Don't bother copying steam_api.dll SteamClient018 Throw error if interface_pointer is null Codegen Marshal bool properly Steam controller input fixes Parse from source (it's more reliable) Start fumbling the actual vtable instead of the flat functions Easymode/Singleton redux Filling Test fix Better vector marshalling More functions Interface string ISteamUtils generation SteamApiCallback Callback structs implement Steamworks.ISteamCallback Use new structs properly Parse and use STEAM_CALL_RESULT to pass result type back Added Utils.GetResult( call ) (generic) Apps.GetFileDetails propert async working example Test updates Exception on 32bit Internal interfaces do the await callback automatically FileDetails SHA1 ISteamApps Methods Complete SteamApiCallback to result Struct callback cleanup Update Utils.cs SteamApps events GetImageRGBA Utils complete UtilsTest.cs nullsafe invokes Remove old app Parental settings Refactor Music Video Refactor Steamworks.User functions User events User Test Removed Voice class (is all in User now) ISteamMatchmakingServers Parser ServerList ISteamFriends interface Fixed IsReturnedWeird ordering ServerList timeout option Fixed parse error Pass ** as ref Friends base Overlays Async avatars RichPresence Friends Swap GameServer baseline Test fixes BeginAuthSession test Remove unused Auth Real world use part 1 Big clean Cleaning up publics Cleaning Fixes Renaiming top tier to Steam* Moved Name, SteamId to SteamClient Steamworks.Data Epoch ServerList namespace DepotId into Data BaseSteamInterface open interfaces as server if no client Utility cleanup BaseSteamInterface becomes SteamInterface Generated structs into Data Constants, Types to data CodeWriter remove unused Fixed struct packing regression Added SteamScreenshots Deduplicate function names ISteamUserStats interface UserStats (known bug in GlobalUnlockedPercentage) Achievement.Name/Description Parser fixes GlobalUnlockedPercentage to GlobalUnlocked PlayerCountAsync Update Update Create FriendsTest.cs GetFileDetailsAsync tweak Stats callbacks Create/Get leaderboard Leaderboard.GetGlobalEntriesAsync Leaderboard, more entries and submit scores AttachUgc Stats Nice name deduplucate Delegate name refactor Overloaded function vtable order ISteamUGC Basic Ugc Querying Query tags Ugc Queries <LangVersion> Renamed Ugc.Details to Ugc.Result AppId_t => AppId UgcEditor UgcEditor ContentFolder Progress - will do for now Ugc.Item change Merge branch 'steamworks144' of Facepunch.Steamworks into steamworks144 ISteamRemoteStorage codegen Parsing fixes SteamRemoteStorage Comment fixes Igmore more STEAM_OUT_BUFFER_COUNT etc ISteamInventory interface SteamInventory Create InventoryTest.cs InstalledDepots, AppInstallDir appd param default to current app Test using Rust instead of Gmod (uses more features) Stats fixes Item Prices LocalPriceFormatted GetDefinitions Expose ItemId, DefId types GetItems, InventoryResult etc InventoryResult.Serialize Inventory item def Consume, Split, Transfer GenerateItem CraftItem DeserializeAsync Clear pointers on shutdown Api Generate global funcs Try to dynamically determine the OS MacOs loading Special path for Windows call convention when returning a SteamId Usaboility tweaks GetGlobals are in bytes, not array size Request the stats on startup, harmless enough but useful Changd SteamClient.Update to SteamClient.RunCallbacks Unregister events Overloaded functions swap locations only on windows Update We can treat mac and linux as the same os Event cleanup CheckFileSignature => CheckFileSignatureAsync Merge branch 'steamworks144' of Facepunch.Steamworks into steamworks144 Struct is the pack4 version Structs with a CSteamID don't need the pack8 alternative IL2CPP works again ISteamCallback was a nice idea but IL2CPP support makes it unfeasible UnityPlugin base Artifact test Copy using xcopy just do a normal copy Update Jenkinsfile Update Jenkinsfile Update Jenkinsfile Update Jenkinsfile Merge branch 'steamworks144'
5 Years Ago
Fixed Lobby.Joinable GetData("joinable") returns "True" or "False", (note upercase), so the Joinable would always return false. Fixed by setting to LowerInvariant, since I'm not sure if it returns it uppercase on other platforms as well, or if this ever gets changed. Merge pull request #229 from igniuss/patch-1 Fixed Lobby.Joinable
5 Years Ago
Added Inventory.Definition.GetCachedStringProperty
5 Years Ago
Added Client.CurrentCountry
5 Years Ago
Update leaderboard counts when fetching entries
5 Years Ago
Add Inventory.EnableItemProperties to turn off per-item properties (not all games need it and it's a bit slow) There could be a whitelist Func or something added later for more control if anyone wants to do that
5 Years Ago
Removed unnecessary check for InitClient allowing wrapper to initialize when in offline mode. Exposed LoggedOn property to manually check the client if it's connected and logged on to the (online) Steam servers. Merge pull request #197 from clansfear/master Resolved #174 - removed redundant check in InitClient to allow wrapper initialization in offline mode
5 Years Ago
Fixed Windows x86 build crash Merge pull request #223 from YLahin/master Fixed Windows x86 build crash on startup
5 Years Ago
Add Inventory.OnInventoryResultReady so you can check that as well as the generic OnUpdate Add Overlay.IsOpen
5 Years Ago
Make Inventory.OnUpdate an event, FormatPrice can be passed LocalPrice without needing to multiply it
5 Years Ago
Formats for more currencies, and make that format function public
6 Years Ago
Add FileTimestamp property to RemoteStorage.File. Merge pull request #94 from jhett12321/master Add FileTimestamp property to RemoteStorage.File.
6 Years Ago
Update Facepunch.Steamworks.csproj This otherwise shows as 'Package description'. Merge pull request #144 from Phyxion/patch-3 Add NuGet package description
6 Years Ago
Added documentation for rich presence. Changed SetRichPresence return type to bool. Updated rich presence test. Spelling Merge pull request #151 from alevastor/master Improvements for rich presence
6 Years Ago
Added Leaderboard.GetBoardId() to access boardID Merge pull request #166 from Oxy949/master Added Leaderboard.GetBoardId() to access boardID
6 Years Ago
Added FetchUsersScores to Leaderboard.cs Merge pull request #170 from paperjack93/master Added FetchUsersScores to Leaderboard.cs
6 Years Ago
Default workshop items to ItemType.Community (most common) Set WorkshopUploadAppId when editing item Complain if WorkshopUploadAppId not set Copy the steam_api/steam_api64 dlls as part of the build IsUnity not used Fixed warning Added Workshop.Editor.MetaData Added Workshop.Editor.KeyValues
6 Years Ago
Added Workshop.Editor.OnChangesSubmitted event Added Workshop.GetSubscribedItemIds()
6 Years Ago
In SourceServerQuery, read strings as UTF8
6 Years Ago
Mac uses this call's too (waiting before I rip out older methods)
6 Years Ago
Apparently Linux needs ThisCall's too now
6 Years Ago
Keep friend status up to date via PersonaStateChange_t Server Rules Query uses a custom UdpClient instead of doing it through Steam, avoiding all the nasty vtable building junk
6 Years Ago
Fixed inventory.item reliance on definition
6 Years Ago
IPAddress Cleanup
6 Years Ago
Fixed avatars sometimes not loading
6 Years Ago
Nuget settings Merge branch 'master' of Facepunch.Steamworks
6 Years Ago
Fixed documentation comment for Lobby.Create() Merge pull request #139 from kscarlett/master Fixed documentation comment for Lobby.Create()
6 Years Ago
Correctly handle lobby refresh with null filter Currently if a null filter is given, more filters are added to the call than expected. This change makes a lobby request after the appid filter is added and returns immediately resolving the issue. Merge pull request #138 from erebuswolf/master Correctly handle lobby refresh with null filter
6 Years Ago
Added missing callbacks Register callbacks before setting up interfaces Added Inventory.OnDefinitionsUpdated
6 Years Ago
Inventory.FetchItemDefinitions is now public
6 Years Ago
Added ability to register to OnLobbyJoinRequested callback Merge pull request #132 from dblstallion/master Added ability to register to OnLobbyJoinRequested callback
6 Years Ago
Added finalizer, less chance of crashing with unity editor stop plays missing dispose Merge branch 'master' of Facepunch.Steamworks
6 Years Ago
Added method to show friends invite overlay to Lobby class Merge pull request #129 from dblstallion/master Added method to show friends invite overlay to Lobby class
6 Years Ago
Added servers stats SetAchievement Merge pull request #125 from speedis/master Added servers stats SetAchievement
6 Years Ago
Workshop.Item.Download returns a boolean
6 Years Ago
Unity fixes
6 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in inventory result dispose
6 Years Ago
Added Networking.CloseSession Moved LobbyData to its own file Lobby GameServer information
6 Years Ago
Added servers stats ClearAchievement, GetAchievement
6 Years Ago
Added Friends.ListenForFriendsMessages Added Friends.OnChatMessage Added SteamFriend.SendMessage
6 Years Ago
Added App.IsDlcInstalled Added app.OnDlcInstalled callback
6 Years Ago
Added Item.Consume
6 Years Ago
Moved SteamFriend to own file Added Friends.OnInvitedToGame callback
6 Years Ago
Fixed avatar downloading
6 Years Ago
App.GetName + GetInstallFolder, GetBuildId
6 Years Ago
MonoPInvokeCallback doesn't really seem to need a Type
6 Years Ago
CallResults are queried Callbacks uses static methods (IL2CPP Compatible)
6 Years Ago
Fixes OnChatStringRecieved returning previous message data
6 Years Ago
added client.Overlay.Enabled property (tells you whether the overlay is actually available) Merge pull request #121 from MadDave666/master added client.Overlay.Enabled property (tells you whether the overlay …