
6 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

3 Years Ago
Update test case steamclient.dll et al
3 Years Ago
Headers for 1.53 Redist for 1.53 Generated 1.53 Add NetAddress.IsFakeIPv4 RequestFakeIP / GetFakeIP comment fixes Do test case fake IP initialization before login
3 Years Ago
Redist update for test cases Add missing fake IP API to steam_api.json Generated fake IP API Add fake IP support to SteamNetworkingSockets Add fake IP test cases
3 Years Ago
Connection lanes implementation All SendMessage overloads have optional laneIndex
3 Years Ago
Generator comments out SteamInputActionEvent_t.AnalogAction_t types since the type declaration is missing from steam_api.json
3 Years Ago
Redist for 1.52 Headers for 1.52 Generator changes to support 1.52 Generated 1.52