152 Commits over 306 Days - 0.02cph!
Automated Linux DS Build #11
Automated Windows Build #11
Automated Linux Build #11
Automated Linux DS Build #10
Automated Linux Build #10
Automated Windows Build #10
Merge 'Allow changes to gmod_mcore_test to take effect while in-game'
Automated Linux DS Build #9
Automated Windows Build #9
Merge: queued rendering changes, mat_requires_rt_alloc_first, use of CLuaCallback, RopeManager shutdown changes, crouch-jump fix, Lua ConVar/ConCommand changes
Automated Linux DS Build #8
Automated Windows Build #8
Merged changes to materialsystem and debug overlays
Automated Linux DS Build #7
Automated Windows Build #7
Merge SteamP2P changes
Merge fixes to SWEP reloading
Merge fixes to file.Find ordering
Merge fixes to delta updates for non-existent entities
Automated Linux DS Build #6
Automated Windows Build #6
Merge fix for CNetChan::SetMaxBufferSize
Automated Linux DS Build #5
Automated Windows Build #5
Merge sv_crazyphysics_wheels
Automated Linux DS Build #4
Automated Windows Build #4
Merged Player:GetHull(), Player:GetHullDuck(), Entity:GetChildren()
Merged GMA mounting performance improvements
Merged fix for hang when loading certain fonts
Merged PlayerButtonDown/PlayerButtonUp fixes
Merged extended font changes
Merged estonian flag change
Merged gamemodes, lua, addons dl restrictions
Merged >2GiB VRAM fix
Automated Linux DS Build #3
Automated Windows Build #3
Automated Linux DS Build #2
Automated Windows Build #2
Merge NPC footsteps, IMaterial:GetKeyValues(), TTF-only font loading
Automated Linux DS Build #1