8,596 Commits over 3,256 Days - 0.11cph!
different approach to delete OB particles on map cleanup.
Base gamemode: Do not try to draw view model hands if they have no parent, fixing view model hands sometimes floating unattached to the viewmodel, notably when exiting vehicles.
Only register a model clientside if it wasn't already loaded by the server (ents.CreateClientProp)
Disabled the weight hack for ragdolls - causes problems with posing for people
Fixed studiomdl.exe (and probably others) ignoring -game parameter
DCollapsibleCategory now shows a tiny icon when it is collapsed, telling the player it is collapsed and not empty.
Undoing in TextEntry also restores the scroll amount, fixing weird behavior in certain cases (issues/1588)
Constraint library also removes NULL entities from ConstraintSystem.UsedEntities
Add more explanations about comments in the mount.cfg file itself to maybe hopefully help people to figure that out
Reenabled weight/mass hack for Physgunning ragdolls which is already used for props/etc
Calling ents.CreateClientProp with a model with no physics or no model (and setting it later) will no longer bail mid initialization and cause problems such as the prop not receiving flashlights light at all, etc
C_BaseEntity::SetModelIndex no longer fails with < -1 indicies (clientside only dynamic models)
UTIL_IsValidModel (util.IsValidModel) no longer returns false for precached clientside only dynamic models
ents.CreateClientProp automatically precaches the model it is given
ents.CreateClientProp's entity properly initializes its world matrix
steamworks.FileInfo fileid field is 0 instead of some big number for SteamUGC items
Added effects.GetList() (Community)
game.AddAmmoType() no longer fails silently if given bad ammo type name, and the ammo type name is no longer case sensitive (Community)
constraint library minor improvements and fixes
Added Entity.IsSequenceFinished
Entity.GetSequenceMovement cycle arguments are now optional and default to 0, 1 for start and end respectively
Added BASSCHANNEL:Set/Get3DEnabled()
Entity.PlayScene now has a second return value - the scene entity, removing which will allow for stopping the scene from continuing to play.
Dropped weapons (Player.DropWeapon specifically) no longer give extra reserve ammo
Added Panel:SetTooltipPanelOverride
use more reliable fallback system for localization
resource/localization loads from addons properly
Added fogmaxdensity to sky_camera
▄▄▆_█▆██▋▋▇▍▊▄█▍▅▌▌▍▋▆▋▍▅▋█▅ ▋▊▌▌▉▆▋ ▅▆ ▉▅▇▋▋▉▋▉▆ ▉
Toolmenu quick filter now expands the categories
▇▋▋▉▉▍▍ ▊▆▄▆▋ ▋▍▇ ▋▅▉▆▌▉▌▅_▇▍█▄█
Added input.TranslateAlias( str ) - translates "alias test lastinv" into "lastinv" when given "test". Returns nothing if no alias was found.
TTT: More language changes/fixes & added Italian translation (community)
Moved util.BeamRingPoint to effects library
Added effects.BubbleTrail(mins,maxs, count, height, speed=0, delay=0) and effects.Bubbles( same args )
Added sbox_search_maxresults
Spawnmenu search prop indexer now uses notification.AddProgress over the old blue progress bar
".mdl" part of models paths is no longer being searched
Having your spawnmenu closed during search will automatically update search results next time you open it
notification.AddProgress now has an optional 3rd argument - fraction - 0 to 1 value overriding the progress bar animation to show a desired value
Adjusted visuals for notification.AddProgress & made them truly infinite
search.GetResults now has a 3rd optional argument - maximum results to return
Use floats for LuaParticle start/end sizes
cherry pick fading decal stuff
Missed 3 other places fading decals get removed at
Separated IGModAudioChannel:GetTags into separate GetTags<whatever>() functions
Models that exceed MAXSTUDIOFLEXVERTS no longer crash the game
Spawnmenu's ContentHeader panels obey parent's read only state by not allowing its text to be edited
The Stanley Parable map icons
Completely disable fading decal removal, it just causes crashes
Added The Stanley Parable to mountable games list
Added spawnmenu icons for The Stanley Parable and Fistful of Frags
Added missing map icon for gt_desperados (FOF map)
Buttons and Emitters also support transparency
env_fade no longer crashes with its hidden activator only flag set and null activator
Added "activator only" flag for env_fade in base.fgd
Fixed GM:OnScreenSizeChanged crashing the game sometimes
Sandbox baloons can now be transparent
use RENDERMODE enums for color tool
changed RENDERMODE_TRANSALPHA to TRANSCOLOR like it should always have been