branchbefore/main/Parallel GPV Slotscancel
9 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
Rather than default to Primary behaviour slot, we now try to look up the GPV's GP's Goal's Module for the Behaviour Slot type.
Player commands still default to Primary slot since a Player commanded GPV does not hold a Goal (and perhaps not a goal plan either?).
Debug stuff still defaults to Primary slot.
Some other things also defaults to Primary slot still, but at least it's getting there! TODO comments for all the things defaulting to Primary.
Can now set Behaviour Slot on AI Modules in AI Designer. Defaults to Primary slot. (This is not hooked up behind the scenes properly yet, however).
Renamed slot types to Primary and Secondary (rather than SlotA and SlotB).
Moving towards multiple parallel GPV slots in Agent+Behaviour. This is the first step, where all external calls just default to SlotA (for lack of a better slot name).