
712 Commits over 2,496 Days - 0.01cph!

5 Years Ago
Improve upon PR#1595 Flechette gun npc usage example logic_choreographed_scene translation Apparently it kills a Combine NPC at the start of C17 chapter with dog
5 Years Ago
Add a new slider option for gmod_maxammo convar to settings menu (#1595) * Add menu slider option for new gmod_maxammo convar * Add localisation for gmod_maxammo convar
5 Years Ago
Removed extra local variable (#1588) Not needed.
5 Years Ago
PlayerSpawn transition argument Addons Enabled/Disabled only filter Centered pickup history text vertically It was a bit off Fixed Fists not spawning gibs in MP on client https: // Co-Authored-By: jvs <>
5 Years Ago
gm_load nicer missing map error Derma_DrawBackgroundBlur fix for menu state Context menu slider default MMC thing Middle Mouse Click to reset slider to default value feature gets autoset for all tools in spawnmenu NPC SWEP related fixes/improvements manhack welder doesnt error when given to NPCs flechettegun can be picked up by NPCs and fired Updated SWEP animation translations for NPCs
5 Years Ago
Fix local dupe list not updating once it is active
5 Years Ago
ENT:OnTraceAttack for nextbots
5 Years Ago
TTT: add missing Detective/Traitor weapons to .fgd (#1593)
5 Years Ago
Server browser changes Server list changes: * Search bar for gamemode list * Gamemode list tries to display prettier/correct-er names (i.e. prefers "Sandbox" over "sandbox") * Made the server list at least a bit usable on 800x600 and below * Search boxes got a border so they are visible on white backgrounds, and are a bit wider Addon list displays noworkshop message HL1 DM gives you the hl1 ents as well Added dz_ onto CS category Updated language files oldmanharpoon in pickups
5 Years Ago
Updated Sandbox NPC List Nihilanth uses its new spawnflag to make him attack without TurnBabyOn input, and don't drop Controller NPC or Nihilanth to ground since they are flying NPCs.
5 Years Ago
Updating Game & Progress Discussion Link (#1589) * Updated README Replaced the link regarding current game discussion and update progress from the now closed Facepunch Forums to the official Garry's Mod Discord chat that opens up the #next-update chat in the Development category * Update Co-Authored-By: Neico <>
5 Years Ago
Undo library fixes Performing an undo with certain ID properly tells the client to remove that undo from the UI The undo system will no longer add empty undos onto its list IsValid check for some tools redundant but to be consistent Addon menu error fix
5 Years Ago
Tiny changes Don't ask NW2Var proxies Another PR problem fix Dunno how it slipped through the initial testing
5 Years Ago
Add SF_LUA_RUN_ON_SPAWN A few main menu fixes Fixed server settings "not saving" and a JS error
5 Years Ago
Spawnflags for lua_run entity Modified version of the garrysmod/pull/1124 pull request. Code is ran a bit later (on spawn) and uses self as activator/caller. Co-Authored-By: superhighvoltage <>
5 Years Ago
Cleaned up undo library And increased UI limit for undos to 100 Small fix for DListBox A fix for multiple items being displayed as selected when they got the same text, such as in the Undo menu
5 Years Ago
math.Clamp efficiency (#1426) * Update math.lua * Update math.lua * remove extra parenthesis
5 Years Ago
Add min, max args to Vector/AngleRand (#1428) * Add min, max args to Vector/AngleRand function VectorRand( min --[[= -1]], max --[[= 1]] ) function AngleRand( min --[[-90 pitch, -180 yaw/roll]], max --[[= 90 pitch, 180 yaw/roll]] ) Maintains previous behaviour, but the arguments now give forced mins/maxs into math.Rand. This also directly matches the behaviour of RandomVector and RandomAngle in the mathlib. * Use C operators * get rid of default arg comments
5 Years Ago
table.ToString handles colors nicer Manual merge of garrysmod/pull/902 due to merge conflicts Co-Authored-By: Partixel <> Fix Lua error from PR #1572 Co-Authored-By: Partixel <>
5 Years Ago
Fixed spawn and context menu hooks (#1517) * Update spawnmenu.lua * Update contextmenu.lua * Update cl_spawnmenu.lua * Update cl_spawnmenu.lua * Fix spacing
5 Years Ago
Replace usage of type() with is* functions (#1572) * Remove less than ideal usage of type() * Remove less than ideal usage of type() from gamemodes
5 Years Ago
Add list.HasEntry (#1460)
5 Years Ago
NoDrop NPC spawn fix (#1494) * NoDrop NPC spawn fix - Add NoDrop to multiple NPCs to fix them spawning below platforms/displacements. This is best shown spawning a rollermine or combine camera on this platform in gm_construct: ![]( DropToFloor's trace starts in the platform and does not hit the displacement below, so it will drop the NPC to the floor underneath the map. The NPCs chosen for this parameter do not rely on starting on the ground and can be spawned anywhere. - Fixed NoDrop not applying to duped NPCs. - Changed some raw numbers to SF_ enums. * NoDrop duplicator fix
5 Years Ago
"noclip" drive mode can be exited now Also clean up the files Searching full model path works now Trails are clamped in Dupe func, not tool Also discard 0 start 0 end size trails Added info_survivor_rescue spawnpoints Removed info_survivor_position for the time being, c1m4_atrium has one of those in a box under the map
5 Years Ago
Updated spawnmenu.ActivateTool
5 Years Ago
Light tool changes
5 Years Ago
DColorButton: Added ability to disable the tooltip (#1583)
5 Years Ago
Optimize table.Count comparisons (#1571) * Optimize table.Count comparisons 1) Remove unnecessary use of table.Count in TTT (table is sequential). 2) Remove table.Count from duplicator icon generation and keep count in the already existing loop * minor changes
5 Years Ago
Fixed HL1 wep sounds and world models Options menu tab stuff Physics Gun => PHYSICS GUN Only affects player's inventory, not spawn menu HL1 stuff in spawnmenu Also changed up some HL2 names & rearranged NPC weapons in order of usefulness
5 Years Ago
fix for using the CMenu in nonvehicle entities (#1581) * fix for using the CMenu in nonvehicle entities improved version of my fix. earlier description: if you open the context menu while in a prop_vehicle_crane you will get a lua error like this [ERROR] lua/includes/modules/properties.lua:114: attempt to call method 'GetThirdPersonMode' (a nil value) 1. GetHovered - lua/includes/modules/properties.lua:114 2. fn - lua/includes/modules/properties.lua:174 3. Run - addons/ulib_557962238/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109 4. fn - lua/includes/modules/halo.lua:149 5. unknown - addons/ulib_557962238/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109 this is because LocalPlayer():GetVehicle() return the crane you are in, so the IsValid check will return true, but since it's not an actual vehicle, calling a Vehicle function will cause a lua error.
5 Years Ago
Restore encoding for gmod_eng.txt
5 Years Ago
Revert Lua gun translations to normal caps (#1582) Upon popular demand. Fixes garrysmod-issues/issues/3832.
5 Years Ago
DCategoryList reacts to SetBGColor Fixes garrysmod-issues/issues/3815 Merge branch 'master' of garrysmod
5 Years Ago
TTT: Remove util.SafeRemoveHook (#1574)
5 Years Ago
Minor spawn icon editor changes stop perform layout infintie loops on sidebar added tab icons Changes to DFileBrowser and DHorizontalScroller DFileBrowser has an example in derma_controls Added DHorizontalScroller.GetCanvas, ScrollToChild, SetScroll DPropertySheet tabs can be right clicked to quickly switch between tabs when they overflow DPropertySheet's width
5 Years Ago
WorldTip Consistency
5 Years Ago
Dnumberwang code style (PR#1356)
5 Years Ago
fixes to ENT:BeingLookedAtByLocalPlayer And people wonder why PRs don't get merged Co-Authored-By: Collin (code_gs) <>
5 Years Ago
ENT:BeingLookedAtByLocalPlayer optimisation (#1514) * ENT:BeingLookedAtByLocalPlayer optimisation - ENT.ViewDistance can now set the maximum distance the worldtip is displayed at when looking at an entity. - The distance check now uses the view entity's ShootPos if its a player, just like the local player does. This makes the result consistent between a player and spectators. - Dist->DistToSqr - Order of operations changed in ENT:Think and ENT:BeingLookedAtByLocalPlayer to do traces last - optimises entities too far from the player from doing an unnecessary eyetrace. * Changed ViewDistance to MaxWorldTipDistance
5 Years Ago
Added SetInterval and GetInterval to DNumberWang (#1356) Allows for an easier way to add and subtract numbers higher/lower than 1 in DNumberWang.
5 Years Ago
TTT: More table.IsEmpty (#1570)
5 Years Ago
Hydraulic toggle option And a small bugfix which required you to press the keybind twice before the hydraulic would work
5 Years Ago
TTT: Optimizations using table.IsEmpty (#1569)
5 Years Ago
Checkbox visual clarity improvement Its for Hammer but affects everything else too
5 Years Ago
Add HL1 and Garry's Mod language strings (#1562) * Update language files * Fix conflicts * Fix conflicts v2 GitHub really hates text files * Reverted weapon_cubemap capitalisation changes * Updated HL1 weapons
5 Years Ago
Optimizations using table.IsEmpty (#1568)
5 Years Ago
make Player:SetPData and Player:RemovePData actually return a boolean (#1394) * make Player:SetPData and Player:RemovePData actually return a boolean According to the wiki [SetPData]( and [RemovePData]( should return a boolean on success/failure which at the moment they're not. Additionally it would be optimal if they would also throw an error (sql.LastError()) if it fails so people actually know why their stuff didn't get stored.
5 Years Ago
Add Tooltip accessors (#998) * Add Tooltip accessors Solves garrysmod-requests/issues/514
5 Years Ago
Style consistency for weld.lua
5 Years Ago
Add MarkupObject metatable to the registry (#1541) Co-Authored-By: Collin (code_gs) <>