
706 Commits over 2,496 Days - 0.01cph!

9 Months Ago
Add Versus Saxton Hale map category (#1996)
10 Months Ago
Fixed issues with properties not working Update legal doc links Fixed up PR #1989
10 Months Ago
DListView ignore inisible lines (#1989)
10 Months Ago
TTT: fix notification sound cue and make it toggleable (#1983)
10 Months Ago
TTT: make Poltergeist weapon range easier to override (#1986)
10 Months Ago
Update detail.vbsp Update gameinfo.txt Fixed a regression with properties library Revert Pull Request #1299 See garrysmod-issues/issues/5495 Do not use magic numbers for net.Read/WriteEntity
10 Months Ago
Entity Editing uses less bits per variable edit (#1982)
10 Months Ago
[Net] Reduced net.Write&Read Entity from 16 bits to 13 bits. (#1934)
10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
Updated `cvars` library (#1972)
10 Months Ago
Minor tweak for DListView example
10 Months Ago
dlistview_column:SetFixedWidth sets the column width immediately (#1965)
10 Months Ago
Remove SWEP:SetDeploySpeed Sandbox tool validity checks constraint library tweaks Mostly validity checks
10 Months Ago
Add flags of the world to DIconBrowser (#1978)
10 Months Ago
Do not set ClassName in vgui.CreateFromTable (#1977) Panels created by this functions do not have their own class and are anonymous. The reference classname in the existing function does not exist and is nil.
11 Months Ago
Update texturize.lua (#1976) * Update texturize.lua Make the texturize effect spawnmenu icons display the texture's name instead of them all being "Texturize" * Update texturize.lua Now using 'label' in the CreateContentIcon to provide a name to the icon. Fixes issue where selecting post process texture does nothing if 'name' is incorrectly set. * formatting --------- Co-authored-by: Rubat <>
11 Months Ago
Fixed DGrid (#1975) * `DGrid:Clear()` now works correct * Ignore invisible children in `DGrid:PerformLayout()`
11 Months Ago
Invert color option for color modify Fix potential spawnmenu search errors on invalid input from addons More validity checks for Sandbox tools garrysmod-issues/issues/5445
11 Months Ago
Update Make it more clear to use tabs and what "Tab size" is.
11 Months Ago
Refresh menu subscribed lists if they are open when subs change garrysmod/pull/1964
11 Months Ago
Add missing cfg files HL1: Source skill cfgs, 360 controller cfgs so they are not ran from mounted games, and mount.cfg
11 Months Ago
TTT: Fix incorrect call to SortByMember (#1970)
11 Months Ago
Make entity properties more resilient against EyePos issues
12 Months Ago
Fix weapon_medkit holstered healing regression (#1961)
1 Year Ago
Fixed a potential Lua error in DLabel:OnMousePressed Fixes garrysmod-issues/issues/5446 Update gmod_winch_controller.lua
1 Year Ago
TTT: fix knife effect_fn not being cleared (#1959)
1 Year Ago
Fix weapon_medkit merge error (#1960)
1 Year Ago
Move derma icon browser to a more sensible place So we don't have to worry about forcing clients to download a pointless file that returns on execution
1 Year Ago
Added vgui.Exists( classname ) (#1953)
1 Year Ago
Add the ability to override Tooltip's delay per panel (#1875) Adds the following methods to Panel: ```lua Panel:SetTooltipDelay( delay ) Panel:GetTooltipDelay() ``` Internally this sets the `numTooltipDelay` value on the affected panel. DToolTip's will also have the `OpenDelay` value, which is determined by the above functions, and defaults to the existing convar value.
1 Year Ago
Menu Support for `util.IsBinaryModuleInstalled` (#1927)
1 Year Ago
Refactor weapon_medkit (#1943) * Refactor weapon_medkit - Removed the ammo/idle timers and converted them to predicted netvars like weapon_fists - Divided up the Primary/SecondaryAttack functions into SWEP:CanHeal(entity), SWEP:DoHeal(entity), SWEP:HealEntity(entity), and SWEP:HealFail(entity) - Changed many constants to class variables to promote addon SWEP modification instead of copying and modifying the code - Heal success/failures now punishes both primary and secondary fire no matter which heal type it is to prevent being able to interrupt the medpack animation with the opposite heal type attack - Removed SWEP.MaxAmmo as SWEP.Primary.ClipSize was already serving its purpose - General optimisations/cleanup * Hanging space cleanup * GetHealth->Health * Remove default SWEP:Reload Doesn't cause issues currently, just doesn't need to call DefaultReload * Final cleanup - Changed Ammo to an empty string. "none" makes no difference - Only update the NextAmmoRegen netvar if ammo was given. Prevents regen from being on a constant cycle instead of action-based - Changed TakePrimaryAmmo to a plain SetClip1 to match what's done in SWEP:Think + skip some unnecessary logic * Small fixes - GetClip1->Clip1 - math.min(..., 0)->math.max(..., 0) when setting the clip - preventing it from being set negative instead of always being set to 0 - Healing sets the NextAmmoRegen to ensure regen always happens AmmoRegenFrequency seconds after the last heal * Use the local in CustomAmmoDisplay * deuglify trace code --------- Co-authored-by: Rubat <>
1 Year Ago
Create the Derma Icon Browser (#1734) A smart, menu state Derma Icon Browser utilizing DIconBrowser.
1 Year Ago
Contain DButton's image size if it's too big (#1954) * Crop DButton's image size if it's too big * Preserving aspect ratio of DImage * Clamp the icon's width as well, and position predictably Change positioning so that clamped icons are aligned with smaller icons nicely. --------- Co-authored-by: Rubat <>
1 Year Ago
IncludeCS now returns result of include() (#1936)
1 Year Ago
TTT: Fix ironsight position when in singleplayer. (#1949) TTT: Fix ironsight position when in singleplayer.
1 Year Ago
Use snd_musicvolume instead of volume for loading screens (#1950)
1 Year Ago
PropSpawn effect safeguards Move TTT translations to TTT folder Fixed ToolGun:GetToolObject returning local players values for other players clientside
1 Year Ago
TTT: more translatability improvements and fixes (#1946) - Implement translations for TTT start new game menu - Implement translations for mute states notifications on chat
1 Year Ago
Fully remove timers when medkits are removed (#1942)
1 Year Ago
Simplify gmod_tool concommand code Call TOOL:ReleaseGhostEntity on holster even when TOOL:Holster doesn't
1 Year Ago
Make string.ToTable work with numbers again Fixes garrysmod-issues/issues/5399
1 Year Ago
base_gmodentity:GetPlayerName doesn't return nils
1 Year Ago
Fixed ipairs being nil and GetOverlayText erroring (#1937) * Fixed ipairs being nil * Fixed GetOverlayText erroring when nw string is nil
1 Year Ago
Fix eye poser slider going outside of its bounds
1 Year Ago
Minor changes to internals of Derma_Install_Convar_Functions DSlider ConVar support, added OnValueChanged( x, y ) Fix race condition in eyeposer when resetting a selected entity
1 Year Ago
use table argument for string.Interpolate (#1933) Using table argument is actually faster. Here's the proof (Format - string.format; Interpolate is string.Interpolate in current version, and interpolate2 string.Interpolate in this pull request)
1 Year Ago
[Localization] Fixed typo (#1931)
1 Year Ago
TTT: update Ukrainian translation (#1932)
1 Year Ago
Update cfg/ from main repo Use string.format in other SendLua cases Get rid of "Sorry! You can't spawn that NPC!" message No other spawn command does this Added ToolObj:RebuildControlPanel Cache tool created cvars and use em Use the cache in ToolObj:GetClientInfo/ToolObj:GetClientNumber/ToolObj:GetServerInfo in appropriate realms Added ToolObj:GetClientBool Improve TOOL.Information display Should be tiny bit faster and doesn't modify TOOL.Information Faceposer uses new function & clean up