
722 Commits over 395 Days - 0.08cph!

4 Years Ago
elevator cage door sounds
4 Years Ago
remove debug.log regarding cover points
4 Years Ago
Removing extra neon lights in bottom stairwell prefab that may make double neon lights possible in that place under certain conditions
4 Years Ago
Repainted splats on entrance to ditch all grass - building rotation makes accurate painting impossible for now :P
4 Years Ago
Fixed "Train entrance not connected to stair shaft" edge case (regression from 59160)
4 Years Ago
fixed workcart alt skin not applying to LODs
4 Years Ago
PFX Scene backup (Workcart effects + interior dash stuff) & related files
4 Years Ago
Fix for grainy shadows in overpass_double_str_b Added a few signs to overpass_double_str_b module
4 Years Ago
Added rubble decals to tunnel prefabs to reduce texture repetition
4 Years Ago
Set the train icon on the entrance prefab again
4 Years Ago
Dwelling prefabs props placement polish
4 Years Ago
fixed NREs with dwelling prefabs
4 Years Ago
DoPrepare on new dwelling prefabs Fixed dwellings having an offset in the root transform Improved dwellings spawns in the corridor prefabs
4 Years Ago
Tunnel dwellings prefabs work
4 Years Ago
Update to Workcart Fixed flickering decal. Removed them as per Peturs request so light placement is nicer.
4 Years Ago
Fixed flickering cables in the overpass module Fixed mismatched cables in double/single tunnel transition modules
4 Years Ago
Fixed tunnel entrance not correctly avoiding underground monuments when spawning
4 Years Ago
Fixed players getting killed at the bottom of certain tunnel segments
4 Years Ago
Collider distance calculation fix
4 Years Ago
Temporary engine slowdown from damage enabled and fully working. Shows infoon monitor + damage FX. Some other engine bug fixes.
4 Years Ago
Expanded corridor volumes on link-stairwell-bottom prefabs to enclose the lift shaft floor
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Fix server compile error from rendertunnels
4 Years Ago
Show a proper name ("Tunnel Dweller") on loot panel
4 Years Ago
Fix HostileNote NRE in scenes with no terrain (editor fix)
4 Years Ago
Disable the engine slowing for now until we have visuals on the client
4 Years Ago
Work cart max speed is temporarily slowed drastically if the engine takes significant damage over a 10 second timespan. Slowed state lasts 10 seconds. No visuals on the client yet.
4 Years Ago
Add world.rendertunnels to export the map's tunnel texture to a file No processing is done on this so it's not directly usable 1. It's black and white - ignore all channels except red 2. There's no scale option for the command - it will always give a 2048x2048 texture, so manual scaling is required 3. When overlaying on top of the map, this texture extends beyond what rendermap gives (by like 25% or so? think it depends on map size)
4 Years Ago
Fix train tunnel marker icon (prefab change got stomped)
4 Years Ago
Fix train tunnels not rendering after reconnecting to a server sometimes
4 Years Ago
Make sure the workcart.entity merge was clean
4 Years Ago
Reduce work cart top speed and acceleration based on health, starting at 40% health and below.
4 Years Ago
Fixed top floor door behaving inconsistently on static elevators (ElevatorAtFloor wasn't working correctly at the top)
4 Years Ago
Buttons in elevator shafts now read "Call Elevator" when interacting Fixed elevator doors not opening if you called an elevator from the floor it's currently on S2P entrance monument
4 Years Ago
reapply workcart.entity sound changes
4 Years Ago
missing file
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
more workcart sounds + sound polish NRE fix
4 Years Ago
Comment out DDraw in TrainEngine.Server Server/Editor only OnDrawGizmosSelected in AIMovePoint
4 Years Ago
Elevators will no longer move if you go up or down a floor and you're at the top or bottom of the shaft Fixes screen shake bounce happening when the elevator hasn't moved
4 Years Ago
better respawn times for tunnel dwellers/npc dwellings
4 Years Ago
Train cabin warning system now also detects barricades. Barricades register with the track they're sitting on.
4 Years Ago
T-junction and junction prop dressing to make them feel less empty Added some signs to train_tunnel_dobule_str_a
4 Years Ago
adjusted spawn rates for workcarts
4 Years Ago
smooth workcart handle movement workcarts decay and respawn properly
4 Years Ago
Terrible and / or genius fix for "Misaligned corridor after entranceway elevator"
4 Years Ago
Fixed vent jumping issue in entrance mesh Fixed collider details missing from roof on entrance collider Improved collider accuracy on bottom of stairwell lift shaft Fixed grass spawning inside entrance
4 Years Ago
Updated warning signs in train tunnel stops Tweaked backlit sign materials to blend in better
4 Years Ago
Signs generic texture/material update
4 Years Ago
fixed one dwelling spawn too many in 72m segment