
95 Commits over 334 Days - 0.01cph!

3 Years Ago
▆▉▋▄▍▆▆ ▆▄▄ ▋▊▅▆▉▊▇█
3 Years Ago
▊▆▄▋▉ ▇▌▋▍ ▋▍▌█
3 Years Ago
▋▉▅█ ▍▄▋▄▆▋▇ ▌▉▋█▍▅
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
▅▆▊▅▊ ▇ ▋▇▆▍▊▋ ▆▆▄▅▋ ▇▄▋▇▇▇ ▅█▍ ▅█▅▋▌▍ ▍▍▊▄▊ █▆▆▉▄▄▉▆ ▄▅█▅ ▆▅▍▊▊▄▌ ▍▉▊ ▊▆▇▆█
3 Years Ago
▊█▉█ ▆▋▇▌▌▌█ █▅▋ ▍▆█▉▍ ▉▍▊▋ ▄▅▄ ▉▉▇▇▋▅▋▌ ▉▍▅█
3 Years Ago
▊█▌▄█▇▊ ▌█▊▍▄▍▌ ▅▌▍▆▋▉▅ ▌▇ ▊▌ ▋▋▆▅▍▉▉
3 Years Ago
▅▆▅▌▍█ ▆▇▆▆▆▆ ▆▇█▅▉ ▊▋▅▍▉▅ ▇▋▄▌▊▍▅ ▅▆▊ ▋ ▌▍▌ ▋▄▍▋▋▉▄▌ ▌▌▊▉ ▍▊ ▆ ▋▌█▉
3 Years Ago
▊▌▄ ▋▅▋ ▊▅ ▅▍▊▋▌▍
3 Years Ago
▅▉▇ ▉▋▌▆▊▍ ▉▌▍▅ █▉▇█▄▌▆▄▅ ▌▍ ▅▍▆▅█ ▅█▊▋▄ █▄▇▅▊▍ ▆▄▆ █▉▌▄▊ ▍▄ ▌▄▄▆ ▄▍▊▇▇▋▊▄
3 Years Ago
▉▆▊▇▆ ▄▋▅▌▆▅▆█▍ ▌▋▍█▌▌▍▍ ▊▉ ▄▇▇▉▅ ▇▄▇▇▍▅▄ ▉█ █▇▉▌▊ ▇▄▍ ▋▊▌▍▋▊▇ ▄▌▊▉▄ ▆▍ ▊▆▄▉▅▋ ▌█▌▌
3 Years Ago
▄▍▍▅▌ ▅▇▊▋▌██▌█▅ ▄▉▌▌█ ▌▊▉▆ ▍▋ ▉▍▌▉ ▊▅▍▍▋▄▋ ▋▆▌▋ ▉▄▆▉▄
3 Years Ago
▉▊▆▍▇ ▆ ▌▅▊█▊▊▅ ▌██▅▆▌ ▄▊█▇▌▌ ▄▊ ▆▉▋ ▆▌ ▉▍ █▍▌▄▄▆ ▍▆ ▉▅▍▅▄▉▊▊ █▋ ▌▊█ ▅▇▇▄▇▉▉▊ ▌▅▌▅▅█ ▉▉▄▅▉ ▄█▌▆ ▌▋▄▄▊▍▆ ▉▍▌▉▆▊ ▉▄▋ ▊█▊▊▍▅▄▌ ▅▅▄█▊▆ ▉▍▆▄ █▇▆ █▍▊▉▊▌ ▆▊▅▌ ▄ ▄▇▍▊▋▆
3 Years Ago
▉▄▇ ▊▅▋▌▉▇▋ ▇▇▄ ▄ ▉▊▍▊▍▅ ▋▍▄ █▇ ▍▄▋▄▌▉▆▉▆▄ ▄▇█▊▅▉ ▊▅▉▊▅ ▆▉▅▋▊ ▉▅▍▍▉▍▌▇▅ ▊▄█▉ ▆▅ ▋▋ ▄▉▆ ▉▄▌▉▅▋█▌ ▅▋▉▊▆▅ ▄▄▉▆█
3 Years Ago
▄▊▆▉▇▄▆ █▅█▋▌▊▋▇█▆▋ ▆▉▄▋ ▌█▌▉▇▌▌ ▊▅▌▄▊▍▅ ▋█▇▋▌ ▇█▅▌ ▄▋█▊▄▄▋
3 Years Ago
▇▍▍▊▆▅ ▆▍▄▅ ▄▋ █▄▄▋█▅ ▍▄▌▉▇▆
3 Years Ago
▆▌▅▋ █▊ █▍▉▊ ▅▊▋▍▆▆▋ ▊▌▉▆▉▊▌▉ ▅▅▌▆ ▅▇█▌ ▆█▊ ▍▉▄▇▌▊▍▊ ▄▊▇▆█▇ ▉▍▋▌▅▊▅ ▆▅▇▉ ▊▊ ▇▆▋▌██ ▊▇▅▉▉▊▉▊▄ ▌▍ ▌▌'█ ▌▊█▊ ▍▅ ▋ █▊▇▋▌▆ ▄▉▇▆▋▍▋▋▄ ▇▇▆ ▆▉▄▄ ▇▆█▊▅▋▋ ▋▄▍▇▋▅▊▌ ▌▋▇ ▉▄▊▉▆▍▄▊▌ ▇▅█▊▉▊█▆ ▅▆ ▅▄▆▌▊ ▆▌▉▄▊▇▉▉▉
3 Years Ago
▊▇▊ ▋▆▇▆█ ▍▋█▋▇ ▇▋ ▅▊ ▉▋▉▊ ▇▌▅▄▍▌ ▋▌▅▉▄▋▅ ▊█▌ ▅▆█▄ ▇▅▄▇▅▊▆▍▊▍▊▅ ▌▅ ▆▉▉ ▊▆ ██▉▋ ▆▇▍▅▊▇▇ █▇▆▉▇ ▆ ▋▋▌▆ ▊▌▅▆▌▍▍ ▍▇ ▌▆▉▍▄▉
3 Years Ago
▊▋▆▆▇▉▇█▊ ▄▍▅▍ ▇▇ ▍ ▌▇▊ ▌▇▌▉█, ▌▊▅█▇ ▉ ▌▉▍▅▄▇▅ ▌▌ ▇▉▋▍▌ ▇█▍▅▋ █▋▋▊█ ▋▋▆▌▇'▊ █▌▅▅▆
3 Years Ago
▉▅▌▌ ▇▌██ █▇█▊▉ ▆▍ ▊▍▅▊▄▄ ▇▅▋▊, ▇█▆▋ ▍▄ ▄▅ ▄ ▇▆█
3 Years Ago
▉▉███▄ ▉█▆▉ ▄▄▅▆▉█
3 Years Ago
▉▌▅▆▌▋▇ ▅▌▍▋▄█ ▉▅▍▊ ▄▍ ▅▆▉▉▍▉ ▅▆%
3 Years Ago
▄▉█▄█ ▌▍▊▋▉▄▆ ▋▄█▇ ▆█▍ ▋▅▆▇, ▉█▉'▇ ▊█▆▆ █▌▊▅▇▊██▉▇▊ ▉▇▄▋▇ (▄▇ ▇▋▄▅▉▇ ▋▆▍▉)
3 Years Ago
▉▆▌▌▍▍█▅ ▊▅▆█ ▄▉▋▋▌▋▍▇▄▄▅▆: ▇▌█▍ ▆▇▌▆ █▊▌ ▇▌▋ ▆ ▄▉█▄▆▉ ▍▄ ▄▆▅ ▊▉▇▇ ▅▉▄▉█ ▄█ █▍▆▇▄▍█ ▊█ ▌▄▉ ▍▋▊▍▍ ▊█▌█▋▄▋▆▌ ▅▉▇▆ ▆▇▅▉ ▄█ ▋▍█▍▊▇ ▌▆▊▄█▉ ▉▉▅ ▍▍▆▄▋▍ ▉▄▆▌ ▍▇▅▊▋ ▇▇▋▅ ▅▄▅▉▆▅ ▍▋▅▆▇▊▍▋ ▅▇▇▍▉▇█ ▆▌▆ ▅▋▍▊▊ ▌▊▄▌ ▇▇▄▋ █▍▌▌▆▇▋
3 Years Ago
▍▌▉▇▌ ▅▉▊▉▅▅▆ ▇▄█ ▅ ▆█▊ █▉▍ ▌▅▉▇▇▊ (▊▍▋▇▋█ ▋▆▆▇▌▅▍ ▋▍▊▋▋ ▇▆█ ▋▍█▋ ▇▇▍▄█▋█ ▋▍▍▊▇▌)
3 Years Ago
▋▅▇ ▄▅▌ ▌▊▌▌▋▉▆ ▌▆▇▊▊█▄▋▉▌▄ ▍▉▅ ▍▄▅▉ ▋▇ ▆▊▍ ▆▆▌▋▇▅ ▉▍▉█▇▅▌ ▍▆▋█▅ ▅ ▆▆▇▅ ▊▊▍▉▋▇ ▄▅▍▆▇▅█ ▌▊▋▉▍ ▌█ ▉▆▄▄ ▄▌▋▇▆▅▇▋▍▅▅ ▄█▉▌▊▉ ▇▇▌▉ ▌▌ ▍▋█▉▆▇ ▌▉█▊▌█▌ ▉▋▍ ▌▍▊▅▆▊, ▉▆▄▅ ▆ ▍▅▌▅█▆▍ ▌▉▌▉▄ ▇▄ ▉▋█▉▄▍▅▋█ █▍▍▊▊▆ ▅▅▉ ▅▅▍ █▉▉▇▆
3 Years Ago
▄▇▆▇ ▆▉▄▄▆▄▅▇ ▇▅▅▆▆▊▄▄▍▇, ▊█▋▅ ▄▌█▊▋▆▅ ▍▄█▉ █▊▇▇ ▉▅ ▉▋▄▌ ▍▉▆▋▍
3 Years Ago
█▄▉▄▌▊▉▉, ▄▋█▉▊▊█▊, ▌▄▄▊▌▄▉
3 Years Ago
▍▋▌▌▇ ▋▅▄▍ ▇▋▌▍
4 Years Ago
Add payout slot to loot panel
4 Years Ago
Show number of spins left from deposit
4 Years Ago
Take scrap from storage inventory instead of player inventory
4 Years Ago
Allow scrap to be deposited, only show spin menu item if there's enough scrap for a spin
4 Years Ago
Custom loot panel for deposit/payout
4 Years Ago
Open loot panel on deposit
4 Years Ago
Spawn storage container as sub entity to hold lootable deposit and payout
4 Years Ago
Add deposit and spin menu items to slot machine
4 Years Ago
▊▇▄▌▄▍ ▉ ▅▊▉▄
4 Years Ago
Clean up slot machine entity based on code review feedback
4 Years Ago
Implement slot machine entity save/load
4 Years Ago
Award winning player with payout at end of spin if results match
4 Years Ago
Add a few random payout info entries to test
4 Years Ago
Take scrap from inventory to allow spin, don't allow if player doesn't have enough scrap
4 Years Ago
Don't allow handle to be pulled if UI is open
4 Years Ago
▌▋▋▍▅▅▋ ▄▄▅▌ ▉▅▅▍▅▉▊ ▌▍▋▅▊▌, ▉▋▊▋█▊▉▉▇ █▍█ ▌▋▅▍▍▊▅▅▄