
528 Commits over 336 Days - 0.07cph!

2 Months Ago
add new skin to bricks
2 Months Ago
added decal_leak_b5
2 Months Ago
food packaging - canned food, updated scale, pre 2D final texture pass
2 Months Ago
added wall_brick_b2_trim_noalpha
2 Months Ago
added wall_brick_b2 trim + single mats
2 Months Ago
wall_brick_b2 meta
2 Months Ago
lighter brick material added (wall_brick_b2)
2 Months Ago
Fix glass scope shader
2 Months Ago
upload decals
2 Months Ago
M4A1 viewmodel and worldmodel only
2 Months Ago
v_rmr resolution change 9mm bullet texture update 5.56x45 Bullet added
2 Months Ago
Fix window shader not compiling
2 Months Ago
missed a few uploads and a couple more
2 Months Ago
Upload and clean up + move wip files to construct
2 Months Ago
food packaging cans
2 Months Ago
Move model viewer to sbox_content Old construction wall wip meta files missed meta file
2 Months Ago
added decal_brick_damage_a + b
2 Months Ago
only show camera controls for current camera
3 Months Ago
switch decal_wall_damage a + b to static_overlay also updated damage_a color
3 Months Ago
decal_stain_c + d color adjustments
3 Months Ago
plaster_d normal fix
3 Months Ago
added decal_stain_d
3 Months Ago
added decal_dirt_a switched decal_stain assets to static_overlay
3 Months Ago
added decal_stain_a + b + c also adjusted decal_wall_damage_a + b
3 Months Ago
added decal_wall_damage_a + decal_leak_c
3 Months Ago
kitchen utensils meta decal_leak b + c set
3 Months Ago
watering can collision and scale update
3 Months Ago
added kitchen_utensils_b set
3 Months Ago
wateringcans LODs and vmdl setup for all meshes and final textures added
3 Months Ago
Watering cans, final textures and masks and LOD0 setup
3 Months Ago
Publish files for textures
3 Months Ago
flame meta
3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
Fixed various model issues + meta files from uploads
3 Months Ago
removed unneaded vmdl's from USP Merge branch 'main' of sbox-assets
3 Months Ago
flames001 smoke Fix project files being lfs Fix a bunch of other stuff being lfs Add explosion001
3 Months Ago
Watering can plastic and metal mesh and texture for editor
3 Months Ago
tea_towel material variants
3 Months Ago
tea_towel_b files
3 Months Ago
added tea_towel_a + mat variants
3 Months Ago
Actually push the water collider 🤦‍♂️
3 Months Ago
clean up action graph
3 Months Ago
asset zoo + action graph dev cam
3 Months Ago
ash bin wrong phys model enabled
3 Months Ago
correct surface on concrete trim 2
3 Months Ago
misc kitchen trim props + bed_frame_02 updates
3 Months Ago
Basic swimming
3 Months Ago
Updated first-person weapon animgraphs
4 Months Ago
Add face override support to model viewer
4 Months Ago
bed_frame_02 added and filing_cabinet_03 tweaked