
853 Commits over 516 Days - 0.07cph!

1 Year Ago
Set up for Lewis to take a look at
1 Year Ago
Update nameplate again and set min-width on TeamList + add icon for destroyed core
1 Year Ago
Update sbox-voxels submodule Add TeamList and TeamItem UI elements Change Nameplate styling to make it more visible in bright areas Add TeamList to Hud template Open, close and refresh TeamList Refresh TeamList when teams become valid or invalid
1 Year Ago
Have BaseGenerator implement IResettable Add RoundStage enum Set round stages as game progresses Update generator times based on round stage Don't show local player's nameplate Add Announcement and Announcements UI items Add Announcements to Hud Send an announcement at each round stage
1 Year Ago
Move nameplate up a bit
1 Year Ago
Add INameplate interface for entities to implement Add Nameplate / Nameplate.scss Implement INameplate for Player, ItemStoreNPC and TeamUpgradesNPC
1 Year Ago
Prevent various actions when a player is dead (or observing / spectating) Hide Hotbar and Vitals when a player is dead or spectating
1 Year Ago
Call an RPC on respawn to set a flag that view angles should be reset to zero in the next BuildInput
1 Year Ago
Reset MoveController on Respawn
1 Year Ago
Remove IsInBounds check from MoveController
1 Year Ago
Update sbox-voxels When a player is below the world have them take 1000 fall damage
1 Year Ago
Remove barage explosion and hit sound for Crossbow
1 Year Ago
Remove test cmd
1 Year Ago
Enable touch persists
1 Year Ago
Use Touch instead of StartTouch
1 Year Ago
Use smaller distance
1 Year Ago
Update sbox-voxels Add volume tag to volume entities When holding shift traces will ignore volumes in the map editor Add Mins and Maxs to IVolumeEntity Fix styling error by adding &:last-child to InventorySlot rather than parent When holding shift and using the Duplicate Blocks tool, entities will also be copy and pasted Pass copyEntities parameter to initialize Update corewars_conna test map to include 4 different bases, a bunch of gold generator islands and a center crystal generator island
1 Year Ago
Add test take_damage command Don't add margin to the last item in the Hotbar Add Stamina and IsOutOfBreath to Player and update accordingly in Simulate Update player stamina in MoveController and check if a player is out of breath before running or jumping Check and update stamina when using melee weapons Add Vitals display to bottom of Hud to show Health and Stamina
1 Year Ago
Added ToastList and Toast methods to Hud Add kill feed items when a player dies
1 Year Ago
Have Gold and Crystal spawn slower
1 Year Ago
Added resource counts to ItemStore and UpgradeStore
1 Year Ago
Fix hold type on Blowtorch Teleport players properly and run checks for portal grenade
1 Year Ago
View model blowtorch particle Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars
1 Year Ago
Reduces attack ranges
1 Year Ago
Remove ItemEntity on Reset Reset before game starts Don't generate items in generators if not in a game Add blowtorch particle effects
1 Year Ago
IsServer check in GameState.OnEnter
1 Year Ago
Add Team.GetPlayers Blowtorch uses Rust SMG model for now Move CanHearPlayersVoice to state and add valid team methods Add or remove valid team for TeamCore when it's reset or killed accordingly Remove portal grenades on death Better spawnpoint selection for players (choose any assigned to Team.None if no team spawnpoint is available) Use Team.None spawnpoints if the game state is lobby Do most simulation only if current state is GameState Only assign teams in GameState keep as teamless during the lobby Hide Hotbar UI if not GameState Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars
1 Year Ago
Blowtorch particle
1 Year Ago
Added Blowtorch to shop, item, and texture to quickly melt through plastic blocks (use crowbar model for now)
1 Year Ago
Add InventoryItem.CanBeDropped and let players drop items in their Hotbar
1 Year Ago
Have damage done to voxels multiplied by Tier in Axe / Pickaxe
1 Year Ago
Only tick on server for checking whether to reset health
1 Year Ago
Update voxels
1 Year Ago
Update voxels Update voxels + shader Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars
1 Year Ago
Update voxels
1 Year Ago
block damage indicator
1 Year Ago
Update sbox-voxels
1 Year Ago
Update sbox-voxels
1 Year Ago
Update sbox-voxels Set BuildingBlockState health to 100 on creation Add building block material types and damage multipliers for each block type Remove secondary attack destroys block logic Add BlockDamageWeapon with logic to destroy blocks over time (set last damage time so states can reset health after time if not attacked) Have Axe and Pickaxe extend BlockDamageWeapon Update sbox-voxels submodule and only set BuildingBlockState to dirty if Health is less than 100
1 Year Ago
Update voxels submodule
1 Year Ago
Add WeaponItem / Item to Weapon class so that weapon tiers can be accesseds Added Pickaxe and Axe stubs and start working on block destruction Portal Grenade prediction tweak Crossbow / Crowbar clean up
2 Years Ago
Added base Crossbow projectile weapon (use temp effects) Added stub Portal Grenade and fixed some prediction issues
2 Years Ago
Added stub Crowbar weapon using model from DM98 for now
2 Years Ago
Adjust generator speeds
2 Years Ago
Refactor BaseGenerator and respect team upgrades for TeamGenerator. Respect team upgrades for Armor and Damage when taking / dealing damage
2 Years Ago
Update ItemStore and UpgradeStore properly after a hotload
2 Years Ago
Alter the spawn rates of Crystal and Gold generators Alter iron spawn time + set voice chat to Team only
2 Years Ago
Added stubs for all Team Upgrades and their tiers + temp icons for them
2 Years Ago
Add temp icons for all tiers of weapons and armor Update all icons for item definitions Rename ArmorTier to Tier Add DropOnDeath and RemoveOnDeath to InventoryItem Add Player.TryGiveArmor and ensure items drop and remove as they should when a player dies Reimplement `kill` command temporarily Set Remove/DropOnDeath for appropriate items
2 Years Ago
Don't show armor and weapons in the item store if the player already has its next upgrade Added ArmorTier and WeaponTier Use ArmorTier and WeaponTier for shops Add IPurchasableItem interface that shop items and upgrades share Update test voxel world Add UpgradeStore dialog Update ItemStore and add UpgradeStore to HUD Implement Team Upgrades NPC and let players purchase upgrades