
332 Commits over 92 Days - 0.15cph!

25 Days Ago
Remove walker log Fix missing hud component Add SSAO Tripmine placement ghost Switch to use texture icons
30 Days Ago
Prevent players from being able to shoot Hornet gun through walls
30 Days Ago
OnPlayerKilledPlayer validation Fixed warnings in HornetGunWeapon
31 Days Ago
Tweak pickups so that grenade/tripmine pickup notices show correctly
31 Days Ago
Use RPC for health/armour pickups
31 Days Ago
Dry fire refactor
31 Days Ago
Added player gibbing, damage system wrapped in TraceAttackInfo.From( tr, ... ), added DeathmatchDamageInfo [temporary, I wanna see what we need to add before thinking about merging to DamageInfo]. Explosions will create every gib.
31 Days Ago
Add BaseWeapon.DeployTime, resolves #86
31 Days Ago
Add data annotations to GameConfig Add Crowbar hit sound
32 Days Ago
AmmoResource is not null fix in Pickup
33 Days Ago
Removed WeaponModel.BeamEffect, any notion of beam effect from base weapon - this lives in GluonWeapon, responding to events Removed some logs Rename OwnerPlayer() to Owner, add some comments
36 Days Ago
Update rat death prefab to use new version of impactfleshmist
36 Days Ago
Dry fire + auto-reload if trying to shoot an empty gun
36 Days Ago
Move vitals drawing over to hud painter
36 Days Ago
Show a countdown on the scoreboard when we're in results stage, resolves #83
36 Days Ago
Same throw position code for RPG
36 Days Ago
Add icon to crossbow bolt projectile
36 Days Ago
Fixed shotgun and mp5 default clip sizes
36 Days Ago
Gauss fires charged shots even if ammo is low
36 Days Ago
Fix tripmine typo
36 Days Ago
Tripmine: use broadcast GiveAmmo instead of SetAmmoCount Grenades spawn closer to player, check throw position to make sure they don't spawn through walls/floors
36 Days Ago
Make sure the player actually has a tripmine on pickup Null check everything Simplify health/armor pickups
36 Days Ago
Unify headshot damage, add gameplay config for it
36 Days Ago
Buff Python damage to 50 (was 12)
37 Days Ago
2d sdf lines, rects, arcs with analytical anti aliasing (lines are most complicated, other shapes are easy, no instancing yet, can be collapsed into 1 shader for every shape)
37 Days Ago
Added `sbdm.bots.notarget` Fixed projectiles not carrying over correct kill icons, added proper icons for rpg projectile, mp5 projectile
37 Days Ago
HornetProjectile sound can be null, remove the sound but keep the code there because the RPG noise is crazy loud for a fish
37 Days Ago
🤦🏻 - fixed CrossbowWeapon projectile direction, resolves #77
37 Days Ago
Fixed another tripmine error when there's no parent
37 Days Ago
Play third person attack animations where relevant, resolves #80
37 Days Ago
Fixed kill feed row height, resolves #79
37 Days Ago
Forgot to uncomment this
37 Days Ago
Add weapon icon to kill feed entries
37 Days Ago
missing gun items
37 Days Ago
placeholder icons for gluon and hornet
37 Days Ago
Reorder guns
37 Days Ago
Reflect hornet on collision
37 Days Ago
TimedExplosive -> Explosive (updated prefab refs too)
37 Days Ago
Wip HornetGun 40mm ammo prefab
37 Days Ago
Hook up ammo resource to grenade pickup
37 Days Ago
Fix TripmineWeapon NRE (player invalid), add assert if the placed tripmine prefab is not valid
37 Days Ago
Host should periodically update the ping value of PlayerData (Fixes Facepunch/sbox-deathmatch#74)
38 Days Ago
Die if we dip below 1 health, ceil health on hud, resolves #73
38 Days Ago
Ammo bolts Fix crossbow item using wrong model
38 Days Ago
Add scorch to explosions Reduced shell bounce sound range significantly
38 Days Ago
Add sbdm.maxdecals Throw assert if calling GetAmmoCount with null AmmoResource
38 Days Ago
WorldModel/BaseCarryable doesn't define/implement backpack feature, instead send events on creation/destruction of WorldModel Add WeaponPlayerAttachment, can either attach a prefab (that'll get spawned) or a referenced GameObject in WorldModel's hierarchy Don't need these
38 Days Ago
Aa some movement tests to quickscene Tweak player movement
38 Days Ago
Only auto-destroy the Player if we're the host - ensures game state is right
38 Days Ago
Add component that plays only self collision sounds, add to bullet eject prefab