
332 Commits over 92 Days - 0.15cph!

38 Days Ago
Get rid of the game / overlay render code in ViewModel because it's fucking up some of the guns (ones we're using mp5 anims for)
38 Days Ago
Don't pick up gun item if we have max ammo
38 Days Ago
Ammo is a game resource now
38 Days Ago
Give gluon with giveall Tripmine clip contents starts as 1
39 Days Ago
Fix RpgWeapon NRE
39 Days Ago
Use Application.IsDedicatedServer wherever we were using IsHeadless before Add CrossbowWeapon, CrossbowProjectile, needs some polish/improvements but is working Fixed renderer viewmodel logic
39 Days Ago
Do Gluon Beam better
39 Days Ago
LongJump sound
39 Days Ago
Long Jump Module
39 Days Ago
Add maplist convar, use it to select the next map
39 Days Ago
shotgun ammo pickup
39 Days Ago
Ammo pickups
39 Days Ago
Updated Gluon Beam Render
39 Days Ago
Shotgun: Alternate attack with higher damage per pellet, takes 2 bullets, has higher shoot dleay Fixed TakeAmmo not working with count param
39 Days Ago
Shotgun: Increase crosshair gap
39 Days Ago
Adjust shotgun punch and shake, don't eject 12 casings per shot Python: Add shoot delay only if we can shoot Automatically set render options for viewmodel renderers so we don't have to fuck around every time we make a weapon
39 Days Ago
Add Shotgun, incremental reloading, reload cancelling option
39 Days Ago
Use new datacore map with items
40 Days Ago
40 Days Ago
Use Preferences.FieldOfView (fixes sbox-deathmatch/issues/44) Halve explosion screen shake Add kill command Add giveall command Add map command
43 Days Ago
Less recoil Update gauss_impact.prefab
43 Days Ago
Add voices UI, tweaked voice transmitter properties to not be worldspace
43 Days Ago
Don't do effects if we're the server in many cases
43 Days Ago
Update charger and health kit, battery prefabs to use Network Object mode instead of Snapshot
43 Days Ago
Add sbdm.cheatmode, don't start with all weapons
43 Days Ago
Tweak player controller acceleration
43 Days Ago
Rat: if on ground, keep pitch at 0
43 Days Ago
Switch game on end Hide warmup if GameConfig.GameLoop is false Add spawncam to quicktest
43 Days Ago
Widen some areas of map
43 Days Ago
Fix missing loop sound
43 Days Ago
Allow turning off the gameloop with sbdm.gameloop 0
43 Days Ago
Tweak gauss impact Game loop
43 Days Ago
More effects on beam Stop effects when can't shoot anymore
43 Days Ago
Custom crosshair gluon
43 Days Ago
Backpack set up for gluon
43 Days Ago
Update item inventory slots to be more consistent (throwables in 5, special weapons in 4)
43 Days Ago
Rat: die after a set period of time (30s by default)
43 Days Ago
GluonGun Wip
43 Days Ago
Weapon and Health pickups in map
44 Days Ago
Fix NRE in PlayerDamageIndicators when no attacker Gauss impact effect
44 Days Ago
gluon gun blockout
44 Days Ago
Tripmines parent to what they were placed on (moving platforms, doors, etc.)
44 Days Ago
Explosions mark DamageInfo.IsExplosion = true Tripmines are damageable, shooting attributes the kill to the shooter, explosions cause a delayed explosion Look for damageable components in parents instead of children, needed for tripmine children colliders and makes more sense?
44 Days Ago
TriggerHurt: Look for a collider instead of RequireComponent Remove transform offset from map loader
44 Days Ago
Use our new map by default
44 Days Ago
Fix pause on loop mover
44 Days Ago
Redesign half of the map
44 Days Ago
Rat: give weapon a svg icon
44 Days Ago
Fix rat pickup item prefab reference
44 Days Ago
Rat: try to bite target if we're lunging and they're close enough