
871 Commits over 609 Days - 0.06cph!

Field of view programmatic adjustments, force two-handedness for viewmodels, weapon function tags
Fixed a few asset references Much faster FX decay time UI reflects entire inventory now. Add USP, fixed bug where all weapons would be active on startup
Fixed other player's HUD rendering always More robust method of weapon equip events Add PlayerInventory, can hold multiple weapons, and can holster current
Go from target GameObject's root downward for detecting IDamageables Add Weapon.UpdateRenderMode, to hide the world model when locally controlling a player
Simplify damage, make it less shit
2 Days Ago
Fixed case where the player might not have a weapon Create PlayerBody component, move weapon to hold bone when it's set to current
2 Days Ago
Organized some prefabs/resources
7 Days Ago
Can't aim while sprint/sliding ("no_aiming" mechanic tag)
7 Days Ago
Fixed HUD not showing
7 Days Ago
Add proxy update for mechanics, so we can grab tags for networked players, crouch/slide/etc sync'd this way
7 Days Ago
More work on networked players
7 Days Ago
Wrap player input around IsLocallyControlled
7 Days Ago
Code refactor, start working on pawn possession (so we can do networked spectators later)
7 Days Ago
.gitignore update, case sens changes
7 Days Ago
Adjust recoil system to be more sane Add some UI components back, start on ammo hud. Default map facepunch.prison Reflect real ammo counts, fixed MP5 ammo container
7 Days Ago
Fixes Fix input to work on the controller
7 Days Ago
Removed some bullshit files, compile fix
33 Days Ago
Stub out player HUD setup, only enable hud gameobject if we're the local player
33 Days Ago
Made a few things on the PlayerController use RequireComponent so there's less setup
33 Days Ago
Refactor how viewmodels are made, to work in multiplayer
33 Days Ago
Fixed compile GameManager -> Game, removed some useless code Removed recoil pattern system (cool experiment, not something I want to use in practice) Use GameObject references in WeaponDataResource, instead of dumb hack from months ago Fixed weapon instantiation bugs
4 Months Ago
Align impact decals correctly instead of accounting for the 90 degree offset bug Fix error spam from sound emitter
4 Months Ago
API fixes
4 Months Ago
Fix popup
4 Months Ago
Better algorithm
4 Months Ago
Add an access point for the player controller to influence recoil
4 Months Ago
Cleanup, add horizontal and vertical spread ranges
4 Months Ago
Add loop points to recoil patterns
4 Months Ago
Update style of recoil pattern UI, draw line with all points
4 Months Ago
Use recoil pattern in RecoilFunction
4 Months Ago
Add editor for designing recoil patterns
4 Months Ago
Add basic recoil
4 Months Ago
Fixed not finding the ammo container
4 Months Ago
Move weapon functions into a separate gameobject on the weapon for organization
4 Months Ago
Further refactor
4 Months Ago
Refactor weapon abilities to be weapon functions, stats can be modified by weapon functions
4 Months Ago
Update camera animation code to use local bone transform, ty @aylaylay
4 Months Ago
Don't overcomplicate stats
4 Months Ago
Add weapon stats system baseline
4 Months Ago
Add test code for local bone transform
4 Months Ago
Port bullet trails code
4 Months Ago
Remove unused field from SoundEmitter
4 Months Ago
Style the menu a bit
4 Months Ago
Add main menu, default scene is main menu, add play button
4 Months Ago
Fix particle rotation
4 Months Ago
Add GameObject.PlaySound as a fire and forget way to play sounds on a gameobject (and have it follow the object)
4 Months Ago
Apply decal random rotation, spawn particles
4 Months Ago
Play bullet sounds
4 Months Ago
Bullshit reloading system for now
4 Months Ago
Add GameObject.DestroyAsync extension Add SurfaceComponent and GameObject.GetSurface extension method Prefab updates Get surface from weapon shoot trace, create impact effect gameobject from decal definition