
884 Commits over 609 Days - 0.06cph!

1 Year Ago
Add sliding sounds
1 Year Ago
Add lowammo keyframe anim
1 Year Ago
adjusted bullet trail
1 Year Ago
show gun name on hud Merge branch 'main' of sbox-gunfight Merge branch 'main' of sbox-gunfight
1 Year Ago
No footsteps while sliding Buffed sliding speeds Add camera roll offset while sliding
1 Year Ago
Changed health bar color All players start with 25 armor ViewModel: Ease out of slide while you're shooting
1 Year Ago
Add Weapon.BulletRange, knife is no longer a semi automatic rifle
1 Year Ago
Add Weapon.IsLowAmmo(), assign class "low" if low ammo in UI.
1 Year Ago
Add WeaponDefinition.ShootTrailParticleEffect Add Weapon.Name (grabs from def), Weapon.ShortName
1 Year Ago
Little animation on spent ammo
1 Year Ago
remove log
1 Year Ago
rotate hud slightly
1 Year Ago
added weapon icon to hud
1 Year Ago
UI tweaks
1 Year Ago
Get most distant spawn point
1 Year Ago
Added bullet trail Changed hit sound pitch if headshot
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Sliding particle
1 Year Ago
scoreboard ui tweaks Merge branch 'main' of sbox-gunfight
1 Year Ago
Add Slide.StartSliding, Slide.StopSliding - create follow particle
1 Year Ago
Hook up sliding to Animator, use Citizen's "skid" parameter
1 Year Ago
Reset activation time if we're sliding down a slope Recompiled sounds, update .addon
1 Year Ago
chat box tweak
1 Year Ago
Updated HUD Updated Hit sound
1 Year Ago
Alternate between two outfits
1 Year Ago
Dress players in one army outfit for now
1 Year Ago
Adjusted MP5 sliding values, add screen shake based on slide speed gain
1 Year Ago
Adjusted slide to be continuous while traversing down a slope
1 Year Ago
Sliding up slopes is doable, but slow. Sliding down slopes is fast.
1 Year Ago
Replaced GroundFriction with a method, in preparation for weapons to override this. Hit markers recognize headshots, added new art for the icons Controller cleanup, fixed duck
1 Year Ago
Tweaked movement speeds, reduced jump power
1 Year Ago
Weapons can define their own slide position/angle offset Kill feed will try to recognize our weapons Fixed recoil being dependant on framerate
1 Year Ago
slight map tweaks
1 Year Ago
Add slide mechanic, GetEyeHeight instead of property, remove unstuck
1 Year Ago
testmap + compiled assets
1 Year Ago
Weapons can disable aiming feature
1 Year Ago
Added WeaponDefinition.ReloadSingle Fully support shotguns as weapons Add R870 shotgun as resource
1 Year Ago
Recompiled some weirdly broken sounds, adjusted low ammo pitch to be less harsh
1 Year Ago
Added ammo capacity cues to follow gunshots
1 Year Ago
Added dry fire sounds per-weapon, only play once when firing
1 Year Ago
Use velocity.z to determine how hard we hit the ground Added quick viewmodel transform offset when in the air
1 Year Ago
Improve the screen shake effect
1 Year Ago
Add CameraModifier, ScreenShake.Pitch Detect falls by comparing ground from last frame, see if it was a big fall and penalize the player for it.
1 Year Ago
Scale viewbob from player speed
1 Year Ago
Add viewbob, increase walkbob when sprinting
1 Year Ago
Start killing player controller
1 Year Ago
Upped footstep volume as well as increased frequency Take note of when the player stopped sprinting Introduce PostSprintAttackDelay, to disallow attacking straight after exiting sprint
1 Year Ago
Apply pitch and roll offset to the weapon when looking up / down
1 Year Ago
Reorganized primary attack checks so it's consistent for each fire mode Decrease diagonal sprint speed, disallow sprinting backward
1 Year Ago
Crude method to disable aiming while reloading More progress on viewmodel aim system, almost nailed it now. Weapon attachment changes