1,577 Commits over 304 Days - 0.22cph!
Make it so the player can sprint sideways
Reordered some ViewModel code, use Holo for M4
Remaining grenades
Renamed some prefabs
Add some comments in some game rules, reduced player walk speed
More comments, removed Gunsmith
Hide Radio UI for now
Reduced sprint speed by 40u
Refactor DroppedEquipment to use stuff from EquipmentResource, define bodygroups directly in the inspector
Adjusted default player hold location
Update new WorldModel process for M700, MP5, Spaghelli
Doubled reload speed for spaghelli so it's less mental
ViewModel: aim speed doubled
Recompile Refinery with combined light probe
Don't need this anymore either
Fix up some camera stuff
Start refactoring ViewModel, Equipment so we place stuff on the player's root, viewmodels are placed absolutely
Start rewriting how we do weapons/worldmodel/viewmodel to be more like sbdm
Fix Curve ImmutableArrayList -> ImmutableArray change
Fixed PlayArea causing a HealthComponent assert (we were calling this on non-host clients)
Remove player friction stuff, derive from surfaces instead
Fixed scoped weapons keeping aiming tag when ending scoped state
Fixed "UseCrosshair" not doing anything, M700 doesn't have a crosshair once again
Use equipment flags for aiming instead of half tags, half flags
Client.Kick functions as intended
Update m700 package
Update .gitignore
PlayerState -> Client
Use M700 with arms
Made improvements to MoveModeDefault so we're not struggling up ramps
Fixed player dropping under the map on death
StateMachine validity check in GameMode.StatusDisplay
Equipment validity check in AimWeaponComponent.OnIsAimingChanged
Couple of NRE fixes from reported exceptions
Fix SoundTool using propertysheet instead of controlsheet
Fix obsoletes while I'm here
Fix possible NRE in GameMode.Get
Proper validity checks in RoundStateDisplay
Turn Retakes back on so we can test why its game loop gets stuck sometimes
Turn off collider object when we die
Fixed wonky net flags for kill/damage
Update to use new Rpc attributes
Reduce player outline width, only show killer outline if we're spectating
Update player to use PlayerController
Stop "active sound handle count" spam
Fixed references to human textures being broke
Color adjustments for camera
Proper validity checks in Chat, add PlayerPawn.GetZone<T> Component constraint
Bomb-proof the bomb plant component
Shouldn't need this redundant null check
GameNetworkManager assert demoted to warning
Crosshair camera validity fix
ScreenShaker camera validity fix
ApplyThrowableAnimations NRE fix
Temp fix for fire, using facepunch.fire_particle_fast
Fixed headshot sound ranges
Fixed air-kill killfeed icon being always black, it should be the attacker color if not self
Add sync'd weapon flags so aim is properly networked, works properly when spectating other players
Add ScoreAttribute.ShowTeamOnly, make balance only show up for teammates
Up molotov's throw power to match the HE