
1,394 Commits over 123 Days - 0.47cph!

4 Months Ago
Fix NRE in RoundStateDisplay Fix ScoreboardRow NRE Make scoreboard rows smaller Minimap background blur Always center round state
4 Months Ago
Fix GetPlayerName exception
4 Months Ago
Hide invis players on minimap
4 Months Ago
Slim down system chat messages
4 Months Ago
Bug squashing - Fixed NREs in ScoreboardRow - Fixed another minimap NRE - Minimap NRE checks - SpectateSystem NRE fix
4 Months Ago
Adjust m700 hold position Stop running a bunch of player movement code for all remote players
4 Months Ago
Use IPawn.IsPossessed for player marker display check instead
4 Months Ago
PlayerRole style adjust
4 Months Ago
Don't spectate our own invisible pawn when joining mid game
4 Months Ago
Remove MarkerFrame.Trace, replace it with MarkerFrame.MaxDistance, grenade markers fade out at a set distance
4 Months Ago
We need to ragdoll on all clients actually
4 Months Ago
Add USP (SD) Adjust outline slightly
4 Months Ago
Add team join chat messages
4 Months Ago
Fixed jank with grenade throwing
4 Months Ago
Further work on M700, balance pass, scope zoom NRE fixes, new sound Headshot damage is 2x instead of 1.5x
4 Months Ago
Assign teams on join, fix players not facing spawnpoint rotation
4 Months Ago
M700, stub for ScopeZoomFunction Zoom & Aim Dampening FInalize scopezoomfunction, scope shader
4 Months Ago
Remove size from buyzone
4 Months Ago
Label bombsite and buyzones
4 Months Ago
Don't rotate if dead
4 Months Ago
minimap spectating improvments
4 Months Ago
Make use of UseAnimGraph, removed Rigidbody from Player's body
4 Months Ago
Don't allow shooting corpses
4 Months Ago
Give bots fun names so I can tell them apart
4 Months Ago
Forgot keybind
4 Months Ago
Add third person camera mode (spectate only atm), cut to on death
4 Months Ago
Can't use IsSpectating inside Respawn because LifeState might not've synced yet
4 Months Ago
Do shoot effects (muzzle flash, shoot sound) in Shoot() instead of ShootBullet() so we don't play effects 8 times for a shotgun, or 2 times for an assault rifle with ricochet or bullet penetration
4 Months Ago
Make sure special allocated weapons are removed at round start for everyone but the target player. Don't make a new C4 for example and drop it
4 Months Ago
Scoreboard alignment tweaks
4 Months Ago
This should reset doors to their default state when a round starts
4 Months Ago
Fixed another two possible errors
4 Months Ago
NRE fix in MeleeFunction
4 Months Ago
Fixed File not found (Marker.razor.scss)
4 Months Ago
Rename unassigned team back to unassigned (rather than spectator) Scoreboard styling tweaks
4 Months Ago
These shouldn't need to be [Broadcast] as called from Respawn which is already broadcast to everyone Update Outfit if team changes
4 Months Ago
Scoreboard BuildHash includes grouped players, should hopefully fix spectator list bug Sort scoreboard by score Team score display in round state
4 Months Ago
Don't auto-pickup weapons if we have a weapon in that slot. Don't try to auto-pickup weapons if we aren't the host
4 Months Ago
Add this early return even earlier before <style> tag because if Player is null it will error
4 Months Ago
Potential NRE in OnDeployed - but why could PlayerController be null here?
4 Months Ago
dev models
4 Months Ago
Disable spectate freecam by default (duh)
4 Months Ago
final blockout of he_grenade Merge branch 'main' of sbox-hc1
4 Months Ago
New team icons
4 Months Ago
Hide defuse/bomb indicators if not correct team
4 Months Ago
Fix invis missing from RenderExcludeTags
4 Months Ago
Give everyone a defuse kit for now
4 Months Ago
updated map
4 Months Ago
OnPlayerKilled respects headshots, show headshot icon in kill feed Renamed teams, upped distance for all gun sounds
4 Months Ago
Fix equipment overlay NRE