666 Commits over 730 Days - 0.04cph!
Friendly fire is off by default
Added placeholder icons for all awards and added support for assists with the AssistTracker class
Added a toast list for stuff like captured and dropped flags. Added a kill feed to the toast list. Added an award display to the hud whenever an award is earned (queued up.)
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-hover into main
Target Destination on launch pad fgd
Updated test map with launch pad
Added a flag indicator in the world to show where flags are at all times but hide them if you get too close
Added the Launch Pad Hammer entity
Upped all temporary weapon damage. Fixed a bug where a radar was created for every player that spawned. Fixed a bug where the UI would update based on the most recently joined player's team.
Added Token display to HUD. Added team Round Score display to HUD. Added gravity to flag and spinning when idle / dropped. Players will drop the flag when they die. Decreased jetpack energy loss per second. Increased jetpack aim thrust. Reduced flat ski friction.
Updated UI to be red for red team and blue for blue team using SCSS variables
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-hover into main
Early version of map (Dune + textures)
Added PhysicsProjectile.Target and PhysicsProjectile.MoveToTarget (homing missile). Decreased turret fire rate and projectile speed
Added RegenDelay property so loadouts can decide how long before health regen starts
Fixed respawn screen, added HealthRegen property to loadouts and health now regenerates after a delay from being damaged last
Removed default weapon selection and added placeholder simple weapon selection. Fixed bug where jetpack particles continued after death
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-hover into main
Updated test map with energy elevator
Added hv_jetpack_elevator entity for Hammer
Added support for energy elevator
Added respawn screen with timer and implemented turret entity trail with plasma particle - fixed death camera
Plasma projectile particle
Temp trail particles for turret
Simplified UI to placeholder style and got energy working and time left display. Removed all old unused assets
Fixed ZNear and add better support for scaling of movement speed with player scale
Added hv_makeallsmall command
Added TimedProjectile and PhysicsProjectile. Turrets track targets properly and can even lead targets with some accuracy.
Copied plasma muzzle flash particles from RTS and Turrets will aim and fire projectiles (no damage yet)
Updated test map with turrets
Fixed Turret using Generator model in Hammer
Added hv_turret Hammer entity
Improved loadout customization and added loadout stubs
Fixed a bug where strafing left in a circular motion while skiing at any velocity would cause your velocity to keep increasing
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-hover into main
test map updated with generator
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-hover into main
Generator will start with 2000 health
Added hv_generator Hammer entity to define team generator spawnpoints
Added Flag events for capture and return. Added Award system w/ Buzzkill, CTF, RTF, Kill, Revenge, Buzzkill, etc. Increased up slope friction.
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-hover into main
Temp Generator and Materials
Fixed/Improved Jetpack particles
Loadouts determine MaxEnergy, MaxHealth, MoveSpeed and MaxSpeed
Add BaseClothing and Jetpack classes. Moved Jetpack trail logic out of AssaultLoadout and made particles client-side.
Added jetpack trail support
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-hover into main
Quick fix for particle trail
Temp Jetpack model
Rocket trail vsnap
Rocket Trail Particle
Created bone to parent to player model for jetpack
Added jetpack to player model
Removed team system - just use a simple networked enum. Made Loadout system (use Entity Components) for them. Players can return flags to bases (return home, or score point). Various fixes to move controller + additional configuration properties
Added spherical triggers to flags. Tidy up MoveController and add variables. Respawn flags when returned to a base.