
38 Commits over 244 Days - 0.01cph!

7 Months Ago
Set Orphaned Mode on the Cue to Host Do the same for other runtime spawned network objects
10 Months Ago
Turn shadows off on cue for now. Cue forward interp increase based on shot power
10 Months Ago
Fix yeeting white ball into pocket
10 Months Ago
Fix position
10 Months Ago
Await frame - reimplement animate into pocket Various collision fixes
10 Months Ago
Check if Rigidbody is valid here to prevent error during end turn
10 Months Ago
Fix stylesheet issues. Set / broadcast RPCs for physics properly
10 Months Ago
Temp disable anything that may be desynchronizing physics values
10 Months Ago
UI fixes
10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
Create lobby on load, make RenderAlpha sync - don't use INetworkSerializable anymore
11 Months Ago
Unobsolete obsolete code Fix crash on start / gave myself more work todo Fix null reference when ball physics body is null Fix crash on AnimateIntoPocket / Fix ballhistory duplication Merge pull request #1 from Louis-Ladd/main Fix current crashes and networking issues
1 Year Ago
Some work on updating Pool for newer networking stuff
1 Year Ago
Trick to only play sound to local player
1 Year Ago
Remove this log
1 Year Ago
Some cleanup. Additional IsHost checks in some places / asserts. Fixed BallType not being assigned properly when potting first ball. Ball render alpha is networked / serialized.
1 Year Ago
Set startup scene. Fixed NRE in PlayerDisplay. Can use [Authority] for PoolBall.TryMoveTo now
1 Year Ago
Send actual connection id instead of checking steam id as fixes local testing Fix white ball placement, disable cue renderer when appropriate to hide it
1 Year Ago
Fix toasts not showing up Make some vars private Cleanup
1 Year Ago
Clean up Pot History
1 Year Ago
Update player's BallType in INetworkSerializable.Read/Write
1 Year Ago
Move white ball move logic
1 Year Ago
Started porting over UI. Start implementing game logic for turns and potting logic. Try to network as much as possible right now - some hacky bits in the mean time.
1 Year Ago
Add PoolPlayer, BallPocket, add pocket triggers to table When two players have joined it'll spawn balls (networked), cue (networked), and assign cue to first player for now.
1 Year Ago
Smooth it a bit
1 Year Ago
Fix shot strength fps variable
1 Year Ago
Set substeps, adjust damping, enforce ball z velocity - try to lock balls to axis, collision start event for sounds later
1 Year Ago
Add GameManager. Update physics props of ball / table. Set some sort of sensible angular and linear damping of balls for now
1 Year Ago
Add PoolCue component - do basic logic for cue shot
1 Year Ago
Make 'em a bit translucent
1 Year Ago
PoolBallSpawn uses Gizmo to render in editor - add hitbox, set material group etc.
1 Year Ago
Add pool ball spawn component - ball prefab... setup (roughly) spawns in scene, bring over old enums
1 Year Ago
Random force component test + add rigidbody to the model collider objects
1 Year Ago
Make a really thin box collider for the middle felt
1 Year Ago
Setup camera and colliders (this may not work off the bat)
1 Year Ago
Remove old lounge_v2 Add pool_lounge reference map Add pool.scene and start assembling the table Assembled table mostly except felt marking (white ball line), regular ball area
1 Year Ago
Initial commit - import materials, models, map, sounds and ui textures
1 Year Ago
Initial commit