17 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
Units can kind of attack eachother but not really
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-rts into main
Update Barrels_Crate_color.png
Made texture fit in better
Properly set speed based on unit data, fixed a stupid error (my bad) with pathfinding
Import NavPath and NavSteer to Gamelib, added a Unit Circle, improved selection handling, refactored ISelectable, added ItemEntity generic and added UnitEntity
Use a glow outline instead of a Debug Overlay for selection (and use the team color)
Added ability for entities to decide if they can be part of a multi-selection, added placeholder overlay for selected items, temporarily use a ServerCmd for item selection, update building entity physics from model
Invert mouse wheel zoom, added Min/MaxFOV options, and shuffle spawnpoints on start (added List Shuffle extension method)
Removed old models, added a mechanism for object selection, added skeleton classes for additional buildings and technology, added multi-cost support, added WASD camera movement and zooming in and out
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-rts into main
Swapped headquarters and terry factory around
Swapped headquarters and terry factory around
Added Placeholder Assets
Added some basic buildings (placeholder) and renamed some stuff to make a bit more sense
Square map test with only player spawn points (super simple)
Added a very crude system for buildable items with some skeleton classes with dependencies, I might scrap this though but it's the first iteration
Updated property watcher to support unwatching
Added the skeleton gamemode and moved common shared code to gamelib directory