
38 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

5 Months Ago
Namespace cleanup
5 Months Ago
Fix SpriteRenderer component
5 Months Ago
Add some common particle shapes
5 Months Ago
ComponentSheet group styles
5 Months Ago
Add particles to create menu Optimize querying ParticleFloat/ParticleGradient
5 Months Ago
Fix rebuilding shapes every update :S
5 Months Ago
Prefabs work as they should Collision indicator has partcles Fix scene thumbnails not generating properly Fix collider warning (because it expects to be initialized before children) Fix triggers invalid json
5 Months Ago
Rename particle scene to Source Particles to avoid confusion
5 Months Ago
Particle prewarm, controllers, and opaque mode
5 Months Ago
Add ParticleGradient
5 Months Ago
Motion blur test scene
5 Months Ago
Add descriptions for particle scenes Make particle sequence time multi-component, so we can have direct set and/or time scale
5 Months Ago
ComponentSheet groups are nicer, folding Particle CollisionIgnore works Particle SheetSequence group Shader uses new helper classes
5 Months Ago
Fix editor scene time Compile fix Fixed sprite shader fog
5 Months Ago
Can debug draw Scene.PhysicsWorld with physics_debug_draw Fix possible NRE on startup from cookies (?) Adding play and stop event (#49) This events has triggered when the scene is started or stopped. Add GetAttachment method to AnimatedModel (#29) * Add GetAttachment method to AnimatedModel --------- Co-authored-by: Fortune <> Temporary group header in componentsheet Move Static to Collider - fixes sbox-scenestaging/issues/28 Fix GetComponents not returning derived classes (fixes sbox-scenestaging/issues/33) Set the correct surface on ModelColliders (fixes sbox-scenestaging/issues/39) Make name unique when duplicating (ctrl+d) Make ID's unique when pasting Fix GameObject/Component references not filling in disabled objects Add button for unlit mode to SceneView (fixes sbox-scenestaging/issues/48) Basic skeletal pose component - only works with Alyx hands, needs some more thought Remove unused UseRelativeTransform from tracked pose component Can drag prefabs from assetbrowser to hierarchy (fixes sbox-scenestaging/issues/4) Collider uses new shape.Tags Dragging objects into the scene uses physics traces instead of scene traces Remove drag tags when dropping into scene Show scene options when selecting scene root (fixes sbox-scenestaging/issues/12) Keep selected object when starting play mode (sbox/issues/1340) Add some shorthand methods for PanelComponent Make PanelComponent partial (whoops) Add Setclass to PanelComponent ComponentList: Open menu on same screen as GameObjectInspector (sbox-scenestaging/issues/61) Make sure all our menu popups have a parent, make them stick to the screen their parent is on Component headers can be dragged into control slots Use fixed position when opening component context menu with the button It just feels slightly better this way Add support for moving multiple selected GameObject nodes in the hierarchy GameObjectNode is editable Added ability to create scripts from a template (sbox-scenestaging/issues/8) Tracked pose component has "Use Relative Transform" property Expose render/exclude tags to CameraComponent VR component cleanup, update VR test scene - Renamed components to better reflect their functions, dropped Component suffix - Drop update types - I can't think of a reason why you *wouldn't* want these to update constantly, but feel free to tell me if I'm being dumb - Comment everything for when our editor UI shows this stuff Fix Collider component not cleaning up its OnTagsChanged event Add GameObject.GetOrAddComponent<T> (#78) * Add GetOrAddComponent<T> * Behave more like EntityComponentSystem.GetOrCreate GameObject networking foundation Merge branch 'main' into custom-particles
6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
Support Feathering
6 Months Ago
Create particle.sheets.scene Move sheet sampling to system.hlsl
6 Months Ago
Test scenes
6 Months Ago
A chance to die as a result of a collision
6 Months Ago
Particles can push physics objects
6 Months Ago
Made particle collisions smoother
6 Months Ago
Cleanup motion blur Cleanup
6 Months Ago
Motion blur
6 Months Ago
Store random floats on the particle instead of using a seed
6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
Stretch property
6 Months Ago
Color Group Fix color fucked
6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
Inspector remembers if components were minimized using a cookie (sbox/issues/1328) Don't clear selection when selecting empty GameObject field in inspector Fixes #1329 Make component list scrollable Scene hierarchy selection adds to edit log Fixes selection getting confused when selecting from hierarchy, performing some other action, then undoing Add Move Up/Move Down to component context menu Add button to component header for context menu Fix unused context menu eating a mouse click Merge branch 'main' into custom-particles Update ComponentSheet.cs
6 Months Ago
Temporary group header in componentsheet A few groupings
6 Months Ago
Support sheets
6 Months Ago
Emitter looping, delay, burst StartVelocity Shadows, Count in ParticleSpriteRenderer Create ParticleConeEmitter.cs Encode color in TexCoord1 to get the full range Update triggers.scene
6 Months Ago
Particle pool Use SceneDynamicObject for rendering instead of SceneCustomObject Use pool
6 Months Ago
Box emitter Particle simulation space
6 Months Ago
Build sprite using geometry shader
6 Months Ago
Scope the active scene when ticking it in the editor Particle effect wip