568 Commits over 517 Days - 0.05cph!
Components can be [Property] fields
Set keyframe physics time to arrive the same as the physics time step
Use Continuous by default
Add TransformInterpolate class
Character controller - don't bounce off floor
Fix character controller not grounding properly when walking up hill
GameTransform._local needs to compare to right transform
PlayerController uses FixedUpdate
Fixed update implementation
When transform changed, notify our children too
Disable fixed update for now
Clicking a GameObject in a GameObjectControlWidget will select it
Fill out TreeNode.HasDescendant for GameObjects
Fix colliders not rebuilding when editing transform or collider properties
Remove the debug gizmo text output in CharacterControllerHelper
Add OnValidate
Fix Surface defined multiple times
Refactor Scene class
Open scene menu when right clicking hierarchy tree background
Fix SpinComponent speed limit
Catch errors in undo
Fix GameObject.Clear not actually clearing shit
particles component
Tonemap sliders
Save and Restore scene session camera state
Use ProjectCookie for scene last opened
Enable colliders in editor session again
Fix character collider bugs
Fix scene saving not using the extension
Add some [Range] attributes
Post processing icons
Outline Highlight
Added some post processing components
Try to load last opened scene on startup
Fix serialization changing component order
Add arrow navigation to component selector
Cleanup, docs, fixed search targeting the current selection - instead reset selection entirely
Rewrite component type selector to support selection categories, animated traversal
Show component header icon fallback
Clear scene when leaving play mode
Make internal PreRender non virtual
Add icon for sound listener
Can expand/shrink component sheets
Add SoundListenerComponent, test sound on Turret
Enforce Scene GameObject.Id uniqueness, change Id and warn when adding a gameobject with a duplicate Id
Update scenes with all unique Ids
Implement BaseComponent.Awake, Start, OnDestroy & unit tests to enforce behaviour
Fixed cut just copying
Fixed duplicating and pasting not making unique ids
Fix game double ticking
add *idea to the git ignore
add TryGetComponent<T> method
Add TryGetComponents<T>
fix parameters and add to `BaseComponent`
remove TryGetComponents<T>, mostly redundant
Fix prefab world not rendering
Fixed prefab tree selection not working
Prevent trying to "play" prefab scenes
Change how PrefabFiles are loaded
Remove undo spam
Select root prefab object when opening prefab scene
Allow editorsession to initialize the scene camera position
Fix components not properly shutting down on prefab edit
Always Destroy/Shutdown components before removing from a GameObject
Give Prefab redirect scene a nice name
Fix Prefab instantiation
If the scene has a camera, use that as editor initial camera position first
Add Undo to AlignToView
Comment out unused menus
Update TurretComponent.cs
Update prefab_test.scene
Fix undo system capturing multiple rotations
Remove Action argument from undo system
Save selection with undo
Push object selections onto undo list
Each SceneEditorSession has its own selection set
Add CubemapFog component
Add BaseComponent.ExecuteInEditor
Add GradientFog component
Make everything obey ExecuteInEditor
Add gradient fog to player scene
GetComponent<> can find interfaces too
Add ToneMapping component (tonemapping defaults off)
Move CharacterController component to engine
Change how editor startup is handled (hotload keeps calling the static constructor)
Throw warnings when component not serializable because of TypeLibrary
Store camera state in sceneeditorsession, so we can have a different camera position per scene
Fix error when saving a scene with no path
Turn on volumetric fog on the editor scenecamera
Add DecalComponent.TintColor
Add DecalComponent - but needs a better way to translate decal, setting its transform doesn't work as expected
Fix not finding gameobject references if they were deserialized after spawn
Some quick gizmos for the lights and fog volume