
123 Commits over 580 Days - 0.01cph!

3 Months Ago
Add tags from world object to chunk SceneObjects
3 Months Ago
Fix updating physics transform
4 Months Ago
Fix possible NRE when exiting scene
4 Months Ago
Fix warnings
5 Months Ago
Fix SdfWorld.NeedsMeshUpdate
6 Months Ago
Smoother heightmap sampling
6 Months Ago
Allow sampling from noise field in heightmap SDF
6 Months Ago
Fix scaled chunk collision
6 Months Ago
Chunk opacity tweaks
6 Months Ago
Per-world opacity
6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
Fix chunk meshes popping in at the origin for a frame Add bool SdfWorld.NeedsMeshUpdate
6 Months Ago
Hide chunks when component is inactive
6 Months Ago
Get rid of margin in HeightmapSdf3D Sdf3DWorld.Size doesn't need to be Vector3Int Make SdfWorld.HasPhysics a property
6 Months Ago
Sample from heightmap in worker thread
6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
Add optional size for Sdf3DWorld
6 Months Ago
Epsilon tweak
6 Months Ago
Debug tweak
7 Months Ago
Fix arc edges
7 Months Ago
Some more bad epsilons Debug tweaks
7 Months Ago
Allow merge at start or end of split edge We should be testing min denominator here to avoid NaN Allow ignoring edge style in DebugDump.Bevel
7 Months Ago
Don't need two copies of Pooled<T> Include SDF data in dump Fix parsing edge loops from dump
7 Months Ago
Bevel: better handling for zero velocity vertices I'm probably gonna rewrite all of this
7 Months Ago
Fix debug case reduction
7 Months Ago
Reduce test cases to help with debugging
7 Months Ago
Tools to help investigate debug dumps
7 Months Ago
Debug drawing tweaks
7 Months Ago
Fix parsing debug info
7 Months Ago
Debug dump parsing
7 Months Ago
Docs tweaks Add PoygonMeshBuilder.DrawGizmos Get rid of bad epsilon that was one cause of #17 Dump some debug info when #17 happens
7 Months Ago
Redo resource cleanup on world removal Facepunch/sbox-issues#5834
9 Months Ago
Mark chunks as changed when cleared (#29)
9 Months Ago
Hide / don't serialize SDF chunk components
9 Months Ago
Some thread safety in ModifyChunksAsyncImpl (#27)
9 Months Ago
Check for !IsProxy rather than IsOwner
10 Months Ago
Fixed build errors Ignore .idea and .sln Update with working Sdf2DWorld functionality Cleanup Use new project structure Use new libpolygon API HideInEditor -> Hide Use WIP [Unicast] RPCs Use new RPC filtering API RPC filtering API change Dirty include facepunch.libpolygon Nicer display names for world component types Don't need SdfNetwork component type any more Fix triplanar hlsl Generate UVs / tangents for 3D SDFs, for non-triplanar materials (#26)
1 Year Ago
Fixed mesh / textures not always updating Fixed box SDF distance calculation
1 Year Ago
WIP way to rebuild chunks from a list of modifications
1 Year Ago
Fix sphere SDF 3D bounds Keep chunks around when clearing Misc changes
1 Year Ago
Fixed SendModifications memory leak (#20)
1 Year Ago
Refactor net writing / reading to support general serialization (#19) Use BinaryReader / BinaryWriter (#19)
1 Year Ago
Update chunk transforms in `SdfWorld.Update()` Fixes #18
1 Year Ago
Some documentation for the new API
1 Year Ago
WIP allow creation of SdfWorlds in menu realm Rename Tick to Update
1 Year Ago
Slight tweak to help reliability (#17)
1 Year Ago
Avoid duplicate vertices when clipping 2D SDF meshes
1 Year Ago
Skip generating normals for collision meshes
1 Year Ago
Placeholder materials in mining demo
1 Year Ago
Collision mesh vertex merging (#13) If a 2D layer uses one material for all faces, simplify mesh generation