
7 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

1 Year Ago
Clothing parent documentation and description
1 Year Ago
Style & layout arrangements Group items by subcategory Give glasses and necklace a subcategory Tweaks List item variations separately Setup beanie variations Cleanup Style tweaks Move category buttons to sidebar Group null/empty subcategory names the same Scroll back to top when changing categories Subcategorize tattoos, eyebrows, eyelashes Style tweaks & cleanup
1 Year Ago
Style tweaks & cleanup
1 Year Ago
Group null/empty subcategory names the same Scroll back to top when changing categories Subcategorize tattoos, eyebrows, eyelashes
1 Year Ago
Move category buttons to sidebar
1 Year Ago
List item variations separately Setup beanie variations Cleanup Style tweaks
1 Year Ago
Style & layout arrangements Group items by subcategory Give glasses and necklace a subcategory Tweaks