14 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
Use GameMenu Resource library if inside Tools context
Lets make this all easier on everyone by allowing only one Editor folder
Don't bother loading menu addon into tools
█▅▅▅ ▇▄▇ █▆▌▌▅▊▄.█▌▌▅▌▊█▄▌▊ ▉▌ ▆▍▋█▋ ▄▄▆█▅█▆▊▆▄ ▅▇█▅█▅▅▉▊▆▍█
█▅█▇█ ▊█▌▇▋▌▄ ▋▄█ ▉▇▇▊█▉▊ / ▇▊▇█▄▋▅ █▄▆▌ ▊▊▅ ▍▋▍▊ ▅█▊▇▉█ █▇ ▋▉▆ ▆▉▉▌▌▌▌
▄▍▉▋▋ ▍▊▉▆▅█▆▊ ▊█▄▇▅▍▍ ▄▌▄ ▋▍▊▅▌▊▆▋ + ▋ ▇▅▊ ▄▄▇ ▋▊▋▄▆▆▍█
▍▊▌▉▆ ▋▌▌ ▋▅▍▌ ▋▅▋▋▌▍▇ + ▊▍█▍▇ ▍▍▇▆▅ ▍▊ ▌▋▉ ▊▉▄▄ & ▄▍▌█ ▇▉▅▆
▊▊▍ ▄▅▆▌▇█ █▊█▊▆! - ▇▊▋▋█▄ ▅▆█▆▋▌▌▇
▆▇▅▇▄▋█ ▌█▇▆▊ ▌▉ ▊▋▉ ▍█ ▋▆▋ ▊█▉▋▍▍ ▄▊▍▌▇▇ ▄█▆▍▇. ▋▅▄▄ ▍▌▆▅▅▊ ▌█▅▋!
▍▌█▊▊▋ ▆▌▉▋ ▋██▆▉█▆ ▉▉▉▊▉▅▋▊▊▆▊
▋▆▆▆▌ ▅██ ▉▋▉▆▅▍▊ ▆▆▉█ ▄▉▊█▆▌▉▄ ▇▊▊▄ ▄▉▉ ▄▆██ ▊▆▋▄ ▍▉▍▇█ ▋▍▍ █▅▅▅ ▄▅▋▄█▆ ▅▄▋▌▋▉▊▉ ▌▇▌ ▋▍▅▆█ ▋▍ ▆▉▅▆█▋ ▆▌▌▇ `[█▌▉█( "▄▇▅▋▇▄", "▌█▊▌▍ ▊▅▊▆▄▌▊", "█▌▌▌▅▌▊_▄▊▌▋▇▄" )]` ▍▋█ ▋▉▍▉ ▅▊ ▅▌▍▆▇ ▋▊▉▉▋█▌█▋ ▉▆▆▆▅▆ ▇▍▊▇▌▍▌ ▊▍▋▄ ▇█▋ ▊▄▍ ▍▉▌▇▅▆▍ ▌▅▉▄▌▉▇ ▋▇▌▆▆▅.
▉▇█ ▌▍▉▌▋▄█▋▄▉ ▆▇▋▆▍▆▊▋ █▊█▌▌██ ▇▍ ▉██▌▇▉▅▄▇▊█▅▋▋▋▍▇▆ & ▍▍▅_▍▄▉█▅▋
* ▍▄▅ ▄██▅▌▆▊▊▌::▋▊▅▉▊▆▉▊▍(), ▊▌▉▆█▇▌▊█::▌█▆▋▅▄▆▉▄▋▊▌▉▇▊▇▆( ▇▍▇ █▇▍ )
* █▌▇▆▉▌▍▄▇▆▌▌▅▊▍█▅▆: ▄▆▋▄▄▅█ ▌▌▆▄▌▆▍█▉▌ ▍▌▋▋▊▄▊▇▊
* ▋▉█ / ▋▆▌_▋▅▇▅▅█: ▌▆▋▊▄▋▄ █▍▌▇▊▌▄▊█ ▉█▆ ▅▊▇▇▍▇ ▅▍▅▄▅▉ ▇▇▇▅▉▄▄▊▆ ▉▌▋▌▆▌ ▌.▆
* ▆▇▊▍▍▄▋█▌▌▇▍▋▍▇▌▆▍▇ █▌▄▇█▋▍ ▉▌▊▉▊▉ ▆▋▌ ▋▉▊
█▆▊▋▋▆ ▋▋█▉█▌▊▆██▇ ▆▍ ▅▅▍ ▉▍▌▇▅▋ ▊▍▅▊▇▊▉▄ ▌▅▆▅▋▄▉▍
! ▇▋▌█▅▌█▊▋▇█: █▋▊▍█▅▄▄ ██▌▉▄▋ █▉▅▍▌▇ ▄█▊▊▄ █▊ ▊▌'▉ ▉▍▍▅▄▇ ▅▆▌▍▋▄▄█ █▅▌ ▊▋▆▆▊▌▍▇ ▄▅▄▌▍
| | █▇▅▌▍▍ | ▊▌▊▄█▍▅▌▊ | ▍▇▅▅▌▊▄ |
| ▍▊▆▌▄▍▋.*/* | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
| ▄▆▄█▌▉▇.*/* | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ |
| ▍▅▉▉▉▍.*/* | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
▄▊▋▇▉▍▇█▊▍▍ ▄▇██▉▊▄▌▊ (#▅▉▌▇)
▉▆▇▆▄ ▅▊▉▆▋▍ '▆▌▍▇▅▉' ▇▇▆▄ ▇▉▄▍█▉-█▋▌▋█▌▇
▌▇▉▄▇ > ▉▇█▋▉█▅▊▊▋▋
▄▌▅▉▇▅ > ▊▆▇▊▉▆▌█▍██▉
Switch TypeLibrary to EditorTypeLibrary
Init Sandbox.Client last so it gets all appropriate the callbacks
Tool projects can access Sandbox.Game, shuffled editor namespaces to avoid conflicts
Publishing a package ignores Editor folders properly
Load the editor.dll in tools
Load Sandbox.Tools in same context as Sandbox.GameMenu
PackageLoader can have a parent
GameMenu's PackageLoader has Tools as its parent
Fix NativeRenderWidget camera not scaling camera size for DPI
Sandbox.Tools references Sandbox.GameMenu, Sandbox.Game
Tweak how assemblies are registered in TypeLibrary, so we can pass assemblies from other contexts
Namespace clarification
If GameMenu fails to load, return to the main menu
Don't try to load editor assemblies, cuz that won't work
Generate csproj for editor folder
Game compiling ignores editor folders
Project generation supports excluding folders