
19 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

1 Year Ago
Lets mark a bunch of stuff as obsoleted so people aren't surprised Set default FOV back
1 Year Ago
Don't allow LocalScale < 0 Don't complain about TaskCanceledException on game shutdown Add Copy To Clipboard button to Stack property Add facepunch.unicycle_frenzy to test
1 Year Ago
Update TransformTest.cs Fix Gamemode download unit test to use new assembly schema Disable tests that are too much work to get working yet
1 Year Ago
Remove rest of fov hacking code, add Screen.CreateVerticalFieldOfView
1 Year Ago
Remove debug
1 Year Ago
Only compile base addon if we're a runtime game
1 Year Ago
protocol++ Add prediction tolerance to m_vecOrigin Split base and compiled assembly again
1 Year Ago
Reduce default vertex size Move some stuff from base addon into the game dll
1 Year Ago
Don't skip program when checking if shader is up to date if we failed to load the compiled version (it might not exist) memset shader header so we dont run into these issues that are caused by uninitialized memory Remove subview stuff from vr.cpp, not neded in our case Remove FSR, wasn't doing much and was causing issues with VR stencil, fix vr stencil debug Granular foveated rendering, still needs cleanup Remove old deprecated depth of field, cleanup checkerboard reconstruction Add convars for vr_foveated_rendering Get center lens position from HMD, pass foveation parameters to GPU Cleanup and update shader files Readd FSR for now, wouldn't be able to properly remove it until we have a good replacement, but don't bother with it if we're in VR Remove unused convars Tweak autofidelity, remove autofidelity for multigpu, add autofidelity for mobile while at it, fix typo Tie vr_foveated_rendering to autofidelity, optimize shaders a bit Fix rebase changes for shader assets Merge pull request #652 from Facepunch/vr-foveated-rendering VR Foveated Rendering Minor summary adjustment to PhysicsBody.SurfaceMaterial RangedFloat can be read from a number in JSON too Delete BrushEntity.Solid (was obsolete) SurroundingBoundsType.Obb => SurroundingBoundsType.OBB Use RangedFloat in SoundEvent resource This change will make existing assets lose their PitchRandom/VolumeRandom until updated Move GlobalRpcHandler to Sandbox.Internal Make Sound.Index internal Hide Prediction.CommandsAcknowledged/LastExecutedPacketNum Move QTextBlock to Tools namespace Rename ModelDoc namespace to Sandbox.ModelEditor Also moved all ModelDoc node classes to Sandbox.ModelEditor.Nodes Renamed ModelDocAttributes.cs to ModelEditorAttributes.cs Delete Sandbox.ConstantBuffer (obsolete & unused) Delete TriggerHurt and TriggerTeleport (obsolete aliases) Delete TriggerMultiple.Wait (obsolete alias) Delete ModelBreakPiece.CollisionGroupOverride (obsolete) Delete CameraMode.DoFPoint/DoFBlurSize (obsolete) Remove unused properties of Sandbox.Water EnableShadows/EnableFog/EnableRefraction Delete more obsoletes Deleted PhysicsWorld.IsPointWater Deleted Sandbox.Component.Glow.Active/RangeMin/RangeMax Deleted FogStength from all light entities Deleted OrthoLightEntity.UseFogNoShadows Deleted Global.IsDedicatedServer/PhysicsSubSteps/PhysicsTimeScale Deleted ScenePanel.CameraPosition/CameraRotation/FieldOfView/AmbientColor/ClearColor/ZNear/ZFar/DisablePostProcessing/SceneAttributes Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pain-day-rubat1' into engine-refactor-1 Rename SurroundingBoundsType.OBB to SurroundingBoundsType.Object, comment out unused Remove now unused constant buffer binds Defaults for main camera Minimal template fixes
1 Year Ago
Refactoring Cleaning Notes for future Remove unsued
1 Year Ago
Remove Entity.,EyePosition, Entity.EyeRotation, Entity.EyeLocalPosition, Entity.EyeLocalRotation, Added Entity.GetAimRay() Delete StandardPlayerAnimator, PawnAnimator
1 Year Ago
Remove Map.Camera, add global Camera Don't use EyeRotation for view angles - because it's laggy and fucked and I'm gonna remove it
1 Year Ago
DevCamera tweaks
1 Year Ago
Delete CameraComponent
1 Year Ago
Delete CameraSetup Delete CurrentView Use Map.Camera in place of CurrentView Remove dof and motionblur from ViewDesc Add Local.UserPreference.DefaultFieldOfView Fixed main SceneCamera not controlling the render properly Remove SharedRendering/SetDevLayer hack
1 Year Ago
GameController becomes GameManager
1 Year Ago
Obsolete [UseTemplate] so we appreciate the scope of removing it Move Event.Frame to Event.Client.Frame, add ToolEvent.Frame Add Event.Client.PreCamera, PostCamera Move Event.BuildInput to Event.Client.BuildInput Move default BuildInput to internal BaseGameController Rename files to match new classnames
1 Year Ago
Make CameraSetup internal Delete FixedCamera.cs Delete LookAtCamera.cs
1 Year Ago
Vector2.Dot returns float Vector3.Equals doesn't use AlmostEqual, but the == and != operators do Move a bunch of stuff from Client to IClient, PlayerId is now SteamId Client.Pawn is an IEntity Game becomes GameController, added Sandbox.Game namespace Move stuff from GameController to BaseGameController where possible Remove Sandbox.Hooks Rename CameraMode to CameraComponent