
11 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Add GetParameterType, GetParameterName and GetParameter<T> to AnimationGraph Add AnimatedEntity.GetAnimParameterRotation Add editor for animated entity which extends the entity inspector with animgraph parameter inspector alphabetic sort on params Merge branch 'master' into engine-refactor-3
1 Year Ago
Moved everything from Map. into Game. and deleted Map
1 Year Ago
Move Local.UserPreference to Game.Preferences Remove 'Local', all moved to Game
1 Year Ago
Remove Client, replace with IClient, Client.All is now Game.Clients
1 Year Ago
Delete Host, move everything to Game
1 Year Ago
Remove Rand, add Game.Random Fix devcam scss
1 Year Ago
Make Global a real static class, Remove GameService completely (we can take another run at this) Rename Sandbox.Global to Sandbox.Game
1 Year Ago
Added "Animation Speed" property to prop_animated Implement prop_data SpawnMotionDisabled Use prop_data.SpawnMotionDisabled for parking_barrier first gib PackageExtensions to SandboxGameExtensions Transform.ConcatTransforms => Transform.Concat Move GameServices to Sandbox.Internal NullChecks => SandboxGameExtensions Move internal EntityUtility to OOBChecks Move DevCam stuff to Sandbox.UI.DevCam from Sandbox Move Sandbox.MenuEngine.FileSystem.OpenFileDialog to Sandbox.MenuUtility.OpenFileDialog Rename Sandbox.FileSystem in System.Tools to Editor.FileSystem Move Sandbox.IMenuAddon to Sandbox.Internal and make it an interface Added "Animation Speed" property to prop_animated Implement prop_data SpawnMotionDisabled Use prop_data.SpawnMotionDisabled for parking_barrier first gib PackageExtensions to SandboxGameExtensions Transform.ConcatTransforms => Transform.Concat Move GameServices to Sandbox.Internal NullChecks => SandboxGameExtensions Move internal EntityUtility to OOBChecks Move DevCam stuff to Sandbox.UI.DevCam from Sandbox Move Sandbox.MenuEngine.FileSystem.OpenFileDialog to Sandbox.MenuUtility.OpenFileDialog Rename Sandbox.FileSystem in System.Tools to Editor.FileSystem Move Sandbox.IMenuAddon to Sandbox.Internal and make it an interface Revert "Move DevCam stuff to Sandbox.UI.DevCam from Sandbox" This reverts commit e084b44e963a5ada259328585b83444dfc66d5d0. Merge branch 'rubat-pain-day-2' of sbox into rubat-pain-day-2
1 Year Ago
Organize base extensions into one class Move Assert to Sandbox.Diagnostics
1 Year Ago
Strip out built in noclip Devcam cleanup