
3 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

3 Years Ago
Selected addon ident filters properly On build errors auto open the error list, show a little status bar message saying you fucked it. Was hoping to do this as a widget in the status bar but it would not work at all.
3 Years Ago
Right clicking error gives you a context menu of Open in Code Editor or Copy Error Double line errors, path at bottom, more space for error at top. Make the colours less harsh (probs need more tweaking) Get the right line numbers w/ mapped spans, make sure we +1 too In tools mode don't spam the console log with compile errors
3 Years Ago
Add ListView<T>.OnItemDoubleClicked virtual Error list for the editor, gathers compile errors and takes you straight to them in your code editor Shit test for a status bar widget showing build result