
26 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

1 Year Ago
Remove debug output
1 Year Ago
Delete old lobby pages Can add addons in new lobby Removed unused menu UI components
1 Year Ago
Stylesheet with no argument looks for <filename>.scss Fix ClassFileLocation not applying to everything Add TypeLibrary variants with bool inherited option Generated csproj files fold in .razor.cs and razor..scss files properly Convert UI tests etc to .razor.scss format Fix errors in visual studio Maybe this will fix the compile error
1 Year Ago
Oops - remove this test
1 Year Ago
Delete template unit tests Add @style directive to razor to add [StyleSheet] to the class Don't autogen line numbers in .razor generated source Generate razor source in parallel Map razor files to relative paths for compilergen Add a [ClassFileLocation] attribute to every class with its relative path location Remove @style directive, it sucks without intellisense [StyleSheet] attribute needs no args, relative paths will be relative to the class file
1 Year Ago
Readonly saved game display in lobby screen (if saved game is chosen)
1 Year Ago
Saved Game functionality Merge branch 'game-menu-sucks' of into game-menu-sucks
1 Year Ago
Defer adding child panels until the start of the parent's tick - fixes problems with :intro not playing, incorrect styles Fix styles not always updating when editing stylesheet Delete ActiveGame folder (now unused) Remove unused lobby pages Better loading progress in menu screen
1 Year Ago
Actually run Input.SetBind when clearing a bind, whoops
1 Year Ago
If InputSettings is null, grab common inputs and let users rebind those for the current game package Add KeyBind onchange event for right click clear
1 Year Ago
Can right click a keybind to reset it to default individually
1 Year Ago
Remove TextPanel/InternalLabel - move it all to Label If we're a label then razor should add child content to us, not a new label <i> is an IconPanel Optimize PackageCard panel count
1 Year Ago
Lets keep things simple by showing just one keybind for now
1 Year Ago
Server list refresh button Rough in key binds
1 Year Ago
When reporting a panel event error give its name When setting up a panel bind - try to set its value immediately Assert Panel.StateHasChanged is called in the main thread Add NavigatorPanel.AddDestination to manually fill destinations instead of searching for attributes Start refactoring game menu screen into a more customizable structure Add NavigatorPanel.INavigable, allowing panels to recieve notice when they open and close due to navigation Close previous game when opening a new one Refactoring Quit button works Lobby cleanup Active game page on game menu Remove debug text Map selection Create server menu Save/load lobby settings automatically Fix panel slider not sliding properly if a parent needs scroll Add game settings to lobby Fix Map option sometimes not showing Fix growing Don't touch drag if MouseDown stopped propogation Map facets + search Sort option Game list uses new package list Can change map in active game screen Warm up the menu screen before opening Don't download the whole game package for menu Settings + Server pages
1 Year Ago
Warm up the menu screen before opening Don't download the whole game package for menu Settings + Server pages
1 Year Ago
Can change map in active game screen
1 Year Ago
Added stylesheet selector broadphase
1 Year Ago
Sort option Game list uses new package list
1 Year Ago
Don't touch drag if MouseDown stopped propogation Map facets + search
1 Year Ago
Add MathX.SmoothDamp( float Make BaseScrollWidget smooth scrolling use smoothdamp
1 Year Ago
Fix panel slider not sliding properly if a parent needs scroll Add game settings to lobby Fix Map option sometimes not showing Fix growing
1 Year Ago
Create server menu Save/load lobby settings automatically
1 Year Ago
Active game page on game menu Handle deleting panel during children tick a bit more gracefully Remove debug text Map selection
1 Year Ago
Package download diagnostics Add NavigatorPanel.INavigable, allowing panels to recieve notice when they open and close due to navigation Add interopsystem.status, interopsystem.dump debug commands Close previous game when opening a new one Refactoring Quit button works Lobby cleanup
1 Year Ago
When reporting a panel event error give its name When setting up a panel bind - try to set its value immediately Assert Panel.StateHasChanged is called in the main thread Add NavigatorPanel.AddDestination to manually fill destinations instead of searching for attributes Start refactoring game menu screen into a more customizable structure