
4 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

3 Years Ago
Default Hammer map view port to single 3d pane since thats what 90% of people use all the time
3 Years Ago
Don't bother showing the new asset browser at all in Hammer, have it opt in from View -> Toolbars so we can get some proper feedback on it Asset browser dock widgets collapse properly on ToggleAssetBrowserDockWidget command Add ToggleAssetBrowserDockWidget command to Hammer that does exactly that, default key bind Alt + A Cleanup HammerAssetBrowser class location, move OnAssetHighlight / OnAssetSelected that inspect / open in editor to MainAssetBrowser Setup default locations for Hammer dock widgets a bit better, open selection sets by default but tab them next to the Outliner since you're going to be using one or the other and not both. Give asset browser dock widget a sane default size
3 Years Ago
Reimplement the Hammer pane embedded asset browser as a dock widget, tabify it at the bottom alongside our new C# one, always show the legacy first (for now). And in general tidy up / simplify the implementation of this Add these asset browser dock widgets to the View->Toolbars menu Need to setObjectName on these so they saveState properly Remove QHeaderView from asset browser grid layout, not useful takes up a shit load of space Legacy asset browser icon sizes match our new asset browser icon sizes, makes the medium icons actually usable in embedded browsers
3 Years Ago
Delete complicated / hacky pane modes from Hammer map views ( Game, Asset Browser, Object Properties, Entity IO ) Create a dock widget below the Hammer viewport for the asset browser Create the new C# asset browser in Hammer, quite a few things work already with no effort :o